NO. 44

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First thing she realised was warmth. The second was pain. Great. So she wasn't dead... No matter how happy she was not to be dead, she couldn't help but think, that being actually dead would make so many things easier. For example question: How the fuck am I still alive? or Where the fuck am I? would completely lost it's meaning.

No seriously, where was she?

Cia opend eyes. It was dark there, but still, she recognised the ceiling. How could she not? Afterall, she was waking up looking at the ceiling.

Cia tried to move and after suppressing a lot of pain, she sat up. How did she get home? Her shoulder was on fire, so she didn't only dream about the past three months. But the last thing she remembered was leaving the alley.

Oh fuck!


Cia got up from the comfortable bed, taking all those fusions out, she needed to find a phone. She needed to call Kim and make sure they got it. She almost died for those papers.

The second phone she was hiding there. Yes, the one she cleverly forgot to take when she was leaving more than three months ago.
Cia got on a parapet, using only one hand, since the second one was burning in pain just from moving the rest of her body. Cia balanced as she reached left hand to get a mobile phone, which was tacked on the ceiling behind curtains.

But it was off. Obviously, she didn't charge it for three months! Cia quickly found a charger and plucked it in the phone. It took about five minutes before it turned on.

Cia quickly made a phone call.

"Oh my God! Cia! Are you alright? Where are you?" Kim yelled to the phone. He was fully awake, even though it was already three I the morning.

"I'm back home. I have no idea how I got here though. The last thing I remember is leaving those documents in tree. Kim please tell me you have those documents."

"We have them Cia. You did a great job. But what happened? Why was there blood on those documents?" Cia wouldn't be able to describe, how relieved she was.

"Well about that... I kind of got shot a little bit."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. In pain, but alright. Kim, how long is it since I disappeared?"

"Two days. Do you want me to come and get you?" Cia bited her lip, seriously thinking about it. Did she want to? The truth was, she missed her family like crazy. She wanted to stay, but they still havn't won the fight. Was it still dangerous for her to stay?

"No. I'll figure it out somehow," she caught herself saying. God the pain was unbearable! "Kim, I'll go to find some painkillers. I'm gonna leave as soon as possible since we still have work to do."

"Good. Just take care of yourself and let me know if something happens." Cia smiled as Kim hanged up. She liked the way he cared for her. And to think about it, he was the first one to call when she woked up. He was the person she trusted. He was someone who made her feel warmth and cared for. What kind of feeling was that? Could it be-

Cia shaked her head to get those thoughts out of her mind and with that slight move, her shoulder sent a whole knew dosage of pain. She got up, leaving her room, to search for painkillers.

Cia got to the kitchen, where she remembered she found them last time. She found them, without meeting anyone. And headed back to her room, taking those miraculous pills with her.

First thing she saw when she woked up again was red hair. And the next thing was her belly. "How's the baby?" she asked and sat up, holding her injured shoulder, which was constantly in pain.

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