NO. 18

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Cia woked up and felt someone's arms around her. At first she panicked. Is this another test? Did she not escape Mark? Her stomach twisted and she hoped from bed, running - well, more like jumping on one leg - to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Of course she didn't vomit. She barely eat the day before, and what she ate was already gone since she vomited earlier that morning.

"Cia?" Mace was knocking on the door. Unfortunately she woked him up. He sounded like he's worried. "Can I go in?" he asked.

"Please don't. I'm fine," she said and rolled on the cold ground. Mace didn't know what to do, so he was standing behind the door, waiting for her.

Cia closed her eyes, but opened them right away, when she saw that. Her only fear. Fear she killed and pushed away yesterday, because of tons of work she had. But those memories kept popping in her head. The reason she hated herself. It was just horrible.

Remembering how weak she was. Even though she was trained and was a best fighter among all of them, she didn't stop that. She couldn't stop that. She was strong, until it came to that memory. Memory of man she killed when she got over it enough.
Memory of man who raped her.

To say the truth, every remaining kid there, went through it. When the last one turned fifteen, they were all raped. Girls, boys, that didn't matter. They had to get over the psychical pain. And since there could be missions, where this happen, it was only good for them...

Cia didn't stop it, not that she could. She knew that it would happen anyway. Even if she killed than man on spot, they would still make that happen.

Mace lost his patience. He was worried sick and Cia wasn't responding. So he walked in. Cia was lain on ground, looked like she is not even there with her mind. "Hey kiddo," he said softly and patted her head. Cia looked up at him, her eyes were empty. That scared him even more.

"C'mon, let's get you back to bed OK?" Cia didn't answer, she simply got up, but her ankle betrayed her, and she almost felt. Mace caught her and lifted her up. He brought her to bed, laid her down. "Do you want me to stay?" she nodded and made a space for him next to her. Mace smiled slightly before he laid next to her. Cia didn't hug him, or get closer to him, but felt comfortable and comforted. From some reason, these boys made her feel save.

When everyone got back, which was weirdly almost at the same time, they couldn't find Mace anywhere. Where could he be? They tried to call him, but he didn't answer the phone. Maybe he had to leave.
Jin decided to go check on Cia. When he walked in, he couldn't stop smile. Mace was sleeping next to her, hugging her like she was a treasure.

"Hey guys, come up. You have to see this," he said quietly and found camera. All of them followed him to Cia's room and when they saw their brother hugging Cia, their mouths went wide open. Jin took a few photos quickly, then took Cia's temperature, it was a bit better. In next second, Raven made them all leave. He was smiling for himself. Mace was always pretending, that he doesn't care. Not just about Cia, but about anyone. But all his brothers knew it was not true. He cared deeply.

When Mace woked up, he was hugging Cia, who was sleeping. He didn't even know, when he has fallen asleep. Carefully, not to wake her up, he took  his hands of off Cia and went down. Everyone was back already.  No one said anything, but he knew right away, that everyone saw them. It was uncomfortable for him.

Cia's phone buzzed and woked her up. She looked at a message she received.
Go watch news. -K
Cia got from bed as fast as possible. Her ankle was still hurting badly, but she almost run to the living room to TV.

"Cia what-" she grabbed a remote control and and switched some Marvel movie to news. "Hey!" Octavius yelled.
But Cia looked at Mark, who was surrounded by police and reporters.
"Mark Olwenski, a CEO of SrooT, was accused of several rape cases and poisoning water, which led to many diseases. Police is currently investigating this case, but for this millionar, it looks really bad..." the lady kept talking.

Cia toppled on couch and left out a relieved sight. "Well that was fast," she muttered to herself, feeling happy. At least what she went through wasn't in vain. "Cia?" Niles spoke to her. Shoot, she completely forgot about them. "Do you know him?" he asked.

"No," she shaked her head, "I just heard those two cases, when girl accused him from rape. Those girls lost, naturally, but it was obvious he did it. It's good that a proof was found. He is a piece of shit. Literally."

Everyone was watching her, no one said anything. Cia was sitting there, watching news and feeling gross again, while boys were staring at her. Her eyes were empty, except for one thing. Hatred. If a stare could kill, the TV would be crashed and probably in flames.

"How are you feeling?" Jin asked and made her pay attention to him instead of TV.
"I'm better. I guess I just needed rest." She looked back at TV, where was already back that film. She never saw those, never even wanted to. It seemed to be loss of time.

"Since you are better, do you want dinner? I made spaghetti carbonara." Cia had no idea what that was, but eventually she nodded. She was hungry and a moment of weakness and panic attack was already gone.

"Wow! This is the best food I ever had!" she said and added third portion already. Raven was watching her with amusement in his eyes, he was happy she was fine already.

"How about movie night?" he suggested.
"I'm in!" twins shouted all excited.
"Sounds good," said Mace, while Jin lifted his thumb.
"What are we watching?" asked Niles.
"Does it matter?" asked Leyton.
Cia found herself smiling. This is how it feels to have family? She forgot that feeling long time ago. Last time she had family was at four and it was only she and her mum. Now there was seven boys and Mr. Perxon. It felt amazing.

In the end they were watching a comedy. It was Fack you Göhte and it was brilliant. Cia never laughed like that. They were sitting on a couch, eating popcorn and laughing. And from some reason, she was feeling home. That was not supposed to happen.

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