NO. 12

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Weekend. Every kid or teenager would be relieved. But it wasn't a big change for Cia. She was still on her mission. After the accident and her passing out in school, Eleonor decided to let her rest. Cia was mad at herself. El told her, that they had a mission that weekend, but they won't need her for it. She was supposed to rest and get better. It's not like she hadn't been worse. Cia got in much worse situations and survived. For gods sake, she was trained for that!

Anyway, weekend meant her brothers. Mr. Perxon wasn't there, so she was told to listen to Raven. God! No going out without noticing me beforehand was related only to her! Like yes, she ended up on the police station already, but what the heck? It was like the old times! Well except the fact that punishment here meant taking away her phone, not whipping her or letting her without food for three days with normal training. How was she even still alive?

Cia walked down to the kitchen, when she got an idea. It wasn't even six and she remembered Raven saying not to wake him up early, since he don't have to once in a while. Cia run back up and knocked on his door loudly. Too loudly. "For fuck's sake! Didn't I say not to wake me up?!" He opened the door, "What the hell do you want Grecia?!"
"Well I'm sorry Rave. But I wanna go for a run. And you said that I'm not allowed to go away without asking," she smiled at him sweetly.
"Go on. Do whatever you want!" He sounded frustrated and slammed the door on his way back to bed. Cia smiled, well she'll go for a run and then come back. And repeat it a few times.

In the afternoon, she was already allowed to go wherever she wanted. So she decided to walk around the mansion more. She already knew gym, basketball and football playground, place for archery and a greenhouse. She already knew the garden well enough. But there was a place she didn't go to. Not yet. And that was a forest behind the house.

Weird huh? She was pretty sure, there was a wall around the whole place. So maybe it was a forest inside? Cia was determined to find out. She didn't even take anything with her, because she could completely rely on her orientation and good memory.

Cia was walking for a while already, no wall so far. Maybe there was no wall in the forest? Or maybe it was further than she thought at first.

Cia heard some kind of scratching and curiosity got the best out of her. She was sneaking quietly, just to see Leyton sitting on the bench, drawing. "Why are you here alone?"
"Wanted to be alone to draw."
"Hmm OK. I'll leave then."
"No wait! Come and take a look." Cia sat next to him and studied his work. "How is it?" he asked.
"Quite good."
"That's not what people usually say. They usually say that it's brilliant or something like that."

Cia smirked. "It looks nice. But I like impressionists you know? That is not completely my style."
"Impessionists? Monet?"
"Yeah, his waterlilies are perfect. But I like Van Gogh more."
"Why is that not even surprising? You like The Starry Night, right?"
"I like most of his artworks. But Starry Night Over the Rhône is better, since it was painted at night."
"Yeah it's pretty impressive. Don't you think he was crazy?"
"He was a genius!" Cia stated.
"That is a matter of opinion. Maybe he was just crazy."
"Maybe you need to be crazy to be a genius," she smirked.

Then they were silent. Leyton was drawing and Cia was sitting next to him with closed eyes, listening to birds and sounds of forest. It was perfect. "How did you know, that impressionism isn't my style?" He asked all of sudden.
"Before I came here, I looked for some informations about all of you. I wanted to know, where and with who I'm about to live. I know your paintings, I know that Niles love basketball and that Raven is great cook and owns a few restaurants. I also know Jin wants to be a doctor and Mace is a great singer and dancer. I know your birthdays as well."
"Wow you're making me feel bad now." He said after a while. Cia just smiled. Yes, she really knew all of these, even though it was for a different reason.

After some time, it was probably about two hours, Leyton got up. "I think I'll go back now." Cia smiled and nodded, she was not in a mood to go back anyway. "You are not coming with me?"
"I will stay for a little longer," she smiled. So Leyton left. He left her alone there. Alone with her thoughts.

Cia was lying on the bench, listening and relaxing. But from some reason it was reminding her of her past. Reminding her, how she got shot for the first time.

OF12 was running for a while already. She was thirteen. Forest was everywhere around her and she already didn't know, if she's going in the right direction. This test was real. Just like the others. She was supposed to steal some Russian secret information from highly secured building. She did that. And she would got out without anyone noticing, but people finding about her was obviously part of the test. Their trainers probably wanted to know, how they will deal with this kind of situation.

OF12 jumped over a tree, but didn't see a hill down. She rolled of the hill, hitting almost every part of her body. But despite the pain, she got up again and kept running in full speed. She knew, she needs to give that information to her people, but how the hell was she supposed to do that with bunch of mad Russians behind her?!

Thirteen years old kid run through a small stream, which was freezing cold. Her legins were wet up to her knees. Her brain was working. How is she going to deliver that information? If she had a mobile phone at least. But all she had was a small tracking device. It could have sent a signal, when someone pushed it. But how is that going to help? OF12 heard a gunshot and overheard a dog barking. She hated dogs! But concentrate on delivering information!

Morse code!

OF12 stopped only to get a tracking device from her shoe. She stopped for a few seconds only. But that was obviously enough. Bang! Awful pain in her right shoulder. She screamed in agony, but got herself to run again. Moving target, hard target.  She started tapping on the tracking device.
Got info. Being chased. Shot.
But will they come for her? They should since they need the information right?

OF12 kept running, but she felt like passing out any minute. She have lost a lot of blood, sprinted through the forest for about three hours already. And then she heard it. And in a next minute saw a rope in front of her. She run stright to it. There was already kink, in which she put her leg. And they pulled her up. Someone was shooting at her the whole time, but luckily missed.

They came for her. Well she knew that they came for that information, but she was alive. Yet. When she gave them their flashdisk, she passed out. Maybe she wanted too much. Living. Maybe she was too selfish to want that, so now she will go. Leave that horrible place.

Cia was sitting in the forest, it was already getting dark and she was unwittingly running her finger over the scar. She had a lot of scars, but most of them couldn't be seen in normal clothes. Good for her, there were kids, who had scars over their faces as well.

When she finally decided to go back, it was already dark. God knows how mad will guys be.


Hi everyone.
I wanted to say thanks for reading my story. Even though there is not that many readers, it makes me so happy when someone reads a new chapter!
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying it, because I definitely am.
And lastly, if you want to give me like, I definitely won't complain. It's not the most important, until someone is reading, but it would make me even happier!
Love you 🖤🖤

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