NO. 36

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Cia picked up a call. "Hey kiddo, how's your belly?" asked Kim.

"It's fine. Do you have anything?" Cia was great liar. To tell the truth, she had a slight fever, took about six painkillers an was hell tired. But she was worse already. Something like this won't take her down.

"That's why I'm calling. Can you meet us?" he asked. It was obvious they got something otherwise he would not have the tension in his voice.

Cia got downstairs. All seven boys were sitting there, watching- News? What the heck was going on? Mandy was sitting on Raven's lap and he had his arms wrapped around her. She was spending there a lot of time these days.

Cia walked there and saw...
Herself. She saw herself jumping from the window. How the fuck did this got out? Cia stared at the screen. "Amazing, isn't he?" Octavius said and Cia snapped her head towards him. He? What?

"I have no idea who this guy is, but that was really something!" yelled Niles in excitement.

Oh! They thought it was a man! Well it's better that way. Cia caught Mandy's glare. Her eyes were saying: I know. Then she smiled so no one would notice and quickly look to her wound and back. Cia gave Mandy a reassurin smile.

"Everyone, I'm going out for a bit! I'll be back before dinner!" Cia was about to leave, when Mandy grabbed her hand.

"I'll join since I need to buy something!" Raven told them to be careful, but the rest was too busy with admiring the mysterious guy in TV that they didn't even notice they're leaving.

Two girls left the gate and turned to one smaller street. Mandy immediately touched Cia's forehead. "You have fever! Your wound reopen right? Egrr! Why am I even asking? Of course those stitches didn't least the stunt you pulled yesterday! What were you even thinking?!" Mandy was so mad. Cia calmly watched her and waited until she was calm enough. Then she spoke.

"I'm fine Mandy. I sew it up again and it's not infected. It's just that I'm tired and injured. And I don't want to show off, but this is not even that bad. I've been much worse."

"Then stop showing off!" She slapped her lightly. "This is not funny! God! What are you about to do again?"

"Don't worry. I'm just meeting someone. I promise I know them well and it's not going to be dangerous at all. I swear." Cia landed her hand on heart.

Mandy laughed. "I trust you! Plus, you can take care of yourself. I know that better than anyone. You were so skilful when you were thirteen. You're probably worse than death herself now!" Both of them laughed.

Kim waited for her in front of one empty, old house. It was a bit creepy and looked dangerous. He leaded her to stairs and opened a secret door in wall. Behind there was face scan, scan for fingerprints and scan for eye too. After entering those three doors, there were a heavily armed guards and another door. Now that's called perfect security system. Cameras were everywhere!

Cia walked in and saw Gevin seated on chair behind several screens. He was watching news, cameras records and many other things. When he saw her, he smiled and showed his thumbs up.

"Good work with switching off most of the cameras." Cia gave him high-five.

"Not really. You are still caught on camera," Kim said, obviously troubled with that.

"Hey, don't worry about that. It was in news today and even my brothers thought it was a man. I don't think someone will find out. Now, what do we have?"

"We got prove on him. Here." Gevin clicked on one file and showed them his warehouses with drugs. Then he put there another page with contract with some Japanese man. Obviously he was supposed to be delivering drugs to Japanese and guns were comming here from Japan. And so on, and so on.

"Something about the man above him?" Cia asked and could see from their faces that not.

"We don't know who it is. But we're sure there's someone. There were some emails, they were deleted and I'm not able to get to them, which is weird, but we have this," he clicked on a file. "It is cryptical. I'm working on it since yesterday, but I don't have anything yet."

Cia stared at the cipher. There was one word and then bunch of numbers. "Can I have a copy? I'll try to figure it out too." Kim gave one.

They spent about two hours going through all those files and documents. Cia took another painkiller, which didn't go unnoticed by Kim, who gave her a sorry look. "You should go home and rest," he told her. Cia looked at her watch.

"I was about to leave anyway. I promised to be home before dinner. And I almost forgot," she said, feeling sad all of sudden. "El have a funeral tomorrow. I will be out whole day." Yes, it took her family long time to make funeral, but it was understandable. They had to pay some debt and make money for the funeral.

"Sure," Kim said and smiled at her sadly. He knew, she really liked El. He knew she was Cia's friend. Cia smiled, made sure she has the cipher in her pocket and left.

When she came back it was almost a dinner time. Cia took a quick shower and changed. Due to pain and fever she was sweating quite a lot. She also checked her wound, it wasn't infected. Cia walked down. Everyone was already there, waiting for her.

She sat next to her dad. Everyone knew right away, that something was wrong. "Grecia, is something wrong?" Dad asked, worried obviously. Everyone was worried. Cia bited her lip.

"It's just the funeral tomorrow," it was barely a whisper, but they heard it. Niles squeezed her hand slightly and Cia gave him a grateful smile. They decided to go there with her, she told them it's not necessary, but they insisted. They finished dinner and went to bed. Cia was tired as hell.

Boys were waiting for Cia on thr day of funeral. Cia came down, wearing black dress. She looked so beautiful. None of them saw her in dress, ever. And there was something familiar on her. Everyone saw that. But what was it?

The funeral was just for closest family and friends. Cia stood there, on her first funeral ever and tears were nowhere to be found. She felt empty again. And also angry. She shouldn't let Eleonor help her. Otherwise she'd be still alive. "Sorry," she whispered so no one could hear. "I'm so sorry." And then tears finally appeared. Rolling down her cheeks.
Cia saw Kayla and waved towards her.  Kayla with puffy eyes and red cheeks smiled at her sadly.

Cia and her family were sitting in a dining room. And that's when Cia saw him. A small shatter from her past.

Cia got up, excusing herself and followed him out. He stood there in bright sun light, in his black suit with those ugly glasses. As he turned at her, it gave her chills.

"I have to say I'm very disappointed OF12," he said while looking at her with those dark, sadistic eyes of his. And Cia? She was standing there, trembling. How did he find her?


This person! I just mentioned him and I already don't like him!!!

But! It's still not the big thing which is about to happen!

Who wants to guess?

Naah, I'm just kidding. It is coming soon!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit boring though!
But thanks for reading anyway 🖤🖤

BTW, I'm thinking about changing name of the book, so if you have ideas just let me know🥰
Thanks in advance! 🖤

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