NO. 32

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Cia woked up in her room. Her head hurt and her eyes were puffy from crying. She couldn't even talk properly, because of the choking incident from last night. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was slightly disgusted. Cia picked a turtleneck T-shirt to cover bruising on her neck and used make-up to hide bruise on her cheek, which also gave her a blue eye. The only thing she was unable to mask was the cut on her lip. But except for that, she did a pretty good job.

Boys were already sitting around the table. They were waiting for Cia, feeling guilty for telling her all those hurtful words last night. But they were mad and worried, so they didn't think clear. Apparently everyone has forgotten in which state Cia came home last night.

Cia walked down to see everyone already sitting around the table. They were quite and Cia just couldn't make herself to go there, knowing they would watch her with disappointment. She was sure she won't make it without tears. And she hated just the thought.

Cia was walking next to Amy. Amy was talking about some homework they got, but Cia was barely paying attention. Did she even do that homework? Probably yes, she was always done at her class sooner than others so she usually worked on her homeworks.

"Cia, can I ask you something?"
"Hmmm," Cia nodded. She almost didn't talk, because her vocal chords were injured from Brandon trying to choke her.
"What happened to your lip? It looks like someone hit you." Cia smiled and shooked her head. She quickly pulled Amy to one corridor to avoid her brother. She left in the morning, without even saying anything and has been avoiding them whole day.

School went quite quick, Cia barely noticed and she was already heading back home. She went by bus, so none of her brothers had a chance to pick her and drive her home.

Cia came home, where everyone was already waiting for her. She waved at them, because talking was just too painful. "Cia," called her Mace, who was almost eaten by guilt. "I know we were rude and mad last night. But can you talk to us? We were just worried about you." Cia smiled and nodded. She just wanted to go upstairs before they realise she can't talk and blame themselves for not treating her yesterday.

"Alright! Now that you're not mad anymore and we had forgiven you too, let's eat! I'm starving!" Yelled Octavius and pulled her to the dining table before she was able to run upstairs.

Raven served her favourite food, spaghetti carbonara and smiled at her. Cia took a bite, but even eating was too painful. She was just playing with her food, not eating even though she was literally starving. She had only breakfast yesterday and nothing except water after that. But eating solid food seemed to be impossible.

"Cia why are you not eating? Does it taste bad?" Raven asked her, obviously worried she's still mad at them. Cia shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she whispered, just to let them know.

"And why are you whispering?" whispered Raven back, smiling in amusement. He was relieved that Cia was already talking to them. But then he caught Jin's glare. And he knew right away. Something was wrong. He looked at smiling Cia, so did everyone else.

She looked alright, cut on her lip, but she looked fine otherwise. Jin got up and walked towards her. He lifted her head and scanned her face. Then he picked a napkin from table and started wiping her cheek and eye. Cia balked back. Soon a bruise appeared.

How did they forget it? Jin was so mad at himself. Cia was watching him, regret in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell us?" he asked but met only her silence.

"Cia... I get you're upset, but you should tell us if you're injured!" Octavius yelled. Mace seemed to be more worried than he should and Cia felt uncomfortable. She just wanted to leave.

Jin looked at her again. And then it hit him. He removed the fabric around her neck and gasped. He neck was all bruised. No one else saw it. "Come with me," he said and took her to his room. Cia sat on his bed, while Jin found a T-shirt and threw it to her to change into it.

Cia listened. He already saw anyway. He gave her some privacy and when he turned back, he saw her awfully bruised neck. Guilt was eating him alive. "You whispered because you can't talk, right?" Cia nodded. "And it also hurts to eat, right?" Another nod. "Why didn't you tell us it's this bad?"

Cia tried to say something, but Jin stopped her. "Here," he handed her a board, "write it." Cia smiled gratefully.

It's not that bad.

"Not that bad? You can't eat or speak! Try to lie to someone else, I'm not buying it."

I didn't want you guys to blame yourselves. She confessed in the end. Jin was watching his sister, tears in his eyes. But Cia wasn't done writing.

I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't do that, but El was my friend. I couldn't let the murder go around like that.

I'm sorry for always causing problems.

At that moment, Jin didn't make it. He just couldn't be mad at her. Jin hugged her firmly. And Cia hugged him back. Suddenly, tears started rolling from her eyes. Why? Why was she crying? Because right there, hugging her brother, she felt like home. She had something, her heart was eager for, for so many years, without her even realising it.

Cia felt asleep at Jin's bed. He was there until she was asleep and then walked down to others. They were waiting for him the whole time.
"How is she?"
"She will be alright, right?"
Everyone started talking, Jin patiently waited, until they were quite.

"Well. Good news is, that she's not mad at us and she's sorry for scaring us. The bad news is, that as all of us know, she almost got choked to death yesterday. So she will not be able to talk for a few days, I think it should be OK even before dad arrives back though. Raven, it hurts her to eat so some liquid food would be nice."

"Are you sure she's alright? Shouldn't we go to hospital?" Leyton asked and Jin shook his head. There was no need to go. He knew very well she'll be all good in just a few days.

Everyone was feeling guilty, but no one said that loud. But as Jin laid next to her in his bed, he felt so bad. Just like others.

Yes, they were just scared to loose her, since they just started accepting her, but they still left her there completely forgetting about her injuries.

None of them could already imagine their family without her, even though they didn't realise yet.

They couldn't loose her too. Like they have lost their mother. Their hearts wouldn't be able to take it.

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