Ishq-e-Mehmal 🌷 ~1~

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اٹھا کر پھول کی پتی
نزاکت سے مسل ڈالی
اشارے سے کہا کہ
ہم دل کا ایسا حال کرتے ہیں

The tides of the sea were slow and steady , the sky was filled with fluffy clouds as if they were cotton candies. The weather was extremely pleasant today , there were laughters of families and kids running here and there and there were these three happy souls sitting on a rock , laughing there hearts out while they played truth and dare.

"Come on Sarah you have to choose truth this time You have been choosing dares for the last four turns"
Eman pleaded.

"Well okay I choose truth this time"
Sarah said as her long black hair swayed beautifully with the wind.

"Okay so tell me what's the biggest regret of your life?"
Azan asked his sister but little did he know how much this question was gonna affect her.

She became lost in her thoughts and felt tears flooding her eyes but soon she wiped them with the back of her hand.

"Are you crying?"
Eman inquired with a worried face.

"No not at all , something got into my eyes due to the wind"
Sarah said faking a bright smile as her beautiful Hazel eyes wandered through the tides of the blue sea.

"You didn't answer the question Appi!"
Azan said.

"Can we skip this question please guys!"

Azan and Emaan both said together as if they were too curious to know the answer.

"My biggest regret was letting him go when I really wanted him to stay."
Sarah said with a sad smile etched on her lips while Eman scolded Azan for asking her such a question which made her remember those sad memories of the past.

Sarah Wali Khan and Azan Wali Khan shared a beautiful sister brother bond
Eman was their paternal cousin.
Their trio was known for their friendship and understanding among everybody.

Sarah has always been the bubbly girl who was the sukoon-e-qalb of her father Wali Khan and grandmother Bi Jan.

Sarah's mother died due to brain tumour when Sarah was only 6 years old and Azan was 4 years old.
Since then Wali Khan and Bi Jan have tried with all their heart to never make these two kids realize the lack of their mother's love.

The weather was getting more windy with time and dark heavy clouds took place of those fluffy clouds and before it started raining the three of them sat down in the car and Azan started heading towards home.

Abbotabad's weather was splendid , the city gave beautiful vibes with the mountains rose high as great rocky declarations of hope to a sky that ever-heard and it could rain anytime.


Wali Khan was strolling in the lounge with a worried and uneasy expression on his face while Bi Jan sat on the sofa and looked at her son intently.

"Why is he coming back after all these years?"
Wali Khan said angrily.

"He is coming to meet us Wali why are you getting so hyped?"

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