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Six years later

Adrian sighed as he tried and failed to get out of his lover's tight grip. They were in bed in their apartment that they shared together since two years ago, and Adrian really needed to go pee. He maneuvered around in the fierce grip, so he was face to face with a sleeping Jackson.

He let out a huff of air, in hopes of waking up the log beside him but it did nothing but make him hold Adrian closer. The latter smiled as he kissed Jackson's lips softly, and sure enough, his eyes fluttered open. 

He yawned as Adrian pulled away and asked with a groggy voice, "Good morning, baby boy." The little smiled involuntarily and blushed slightly as Jackson laughter slightly at him. His bladder was starting to hurt now though, so morning sex would have to wait. 

He pushed Jackson's chest with his hands, which didn't do much as he wined, "Good morning to you to Daddy, now can you move so I can piss?" He felt a firm swat to his backside which made him pout as he looked to Jackson. 

"You know better. Don't let me hear it again, little boy. Now go to the washroom. I'll make breakfast." Adrian sighed and rolled his eyes but nonetheless shot out of bed after the human teddy bear released his grip. 

He stumbled to the bathroom, stretching his arms up as he did so and Jackson shamelessly watched his ass that was in black lace jiggle all the way to the bathroom. What can he say? Adrian has a nice ass. 

He walked out of the room and bee-lined his way to the kitchen, grabbing the necessities to make blueberries and pecan pancakes, as that was Adrian's favorite. As he started cooking he heard the bathroom door close and a second later Adrian was hoisting himself upon the countertop beside Jackson. 

The latter flashed a smile, kissing Adrian tenderly before focusing on the back on the stove. "Did you sleep well, love?" The green-eyed boy smiled softly as he admired his boyfriend for a moment. He was lucky to have him. 

He nodded, bubbling out, "Yeah, always sleep well with you." That was a lie, and they both knew it considering Adrian on occasion had nightmares that resulted in both of them waking up at three in the morning. 

Jackson smiled widely as he flipped a pancake that was golden brown. "That's good baby. I was thinking tomorrow if you wanted we could invite Marcus and Wade over. For like a small gathering for your twenty-first." Jackson continued talking as he set the table. 

"I would invite Mum and Dad but I thought it could be like a sleepover between us guys. You and Marcy could probably show off your new toys considering he got spoiled rotten two months back. Sound like fun?" He asked, eyeing Adrian as he got out to glasses and poured milk into them, getting down the vanilla extract and adding some to Adrian's. 

Adrian had met Jackson's mum and dad on Thanksgiving and was shocked when they both were so welcoming and sweet to him. Over the years, they've put down less work and were able to spend a lot more time at home. They treated him as their own, which Jackson knew would happen, but Adrian at the time didn't believe him. 

The twenty-year-old got picked up and set back down in a chair by Jackson, who was awaiting an answer patiently. "That sounds great, Marcy said uncle Wae got him a really cool new colouring book that has lots of stickers on the front, and back!" 

Jackson smiled fondly at his boy and he chuckles simply as he ate his pancakes. "That's really cool baby. I'm sure Marcy will share with you." The man smiled inwardly to himself as he knew Adrian wasn't going to have to share, as he got him the same colouring book that he had been raving about, and much more. 

He was working as a paramedic, Adrian had gotten for a writing degree he'd finished up this year. He wanted to become a published author, and as Jackson would have stated, "He's got real talent." And he did. 

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