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Adrian woke up snuggled into Jackson's chest. He was still in the headspace of a three-year-old and decided he would wake up his daddy. He got up silently and then laid on Jackson's chest, his head resting on his collarbones. 

He gently reached up and placed kisses all over his face, making the latter smile in his sleep. "Daddy. Wake up. I hungy. Pwease wakes up." He said between kisses. Slowly, Jackson's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the beautiful boy before him. 

"Hey, baby boy, what're you doing?" The blond asked, his morning voice deep in his throat. Adrian smiled wide and giggled. "I hungy!" He shouted quietly. Jackson smiled at his little boy and tickled his stomach, making him holler with laughter. 

He put on a toothy grin as he asked, "Really? Well, I guess we should fix that, now shouldn't we?" Adrian nodded his head enthusiastically. The caregiver sat up with the other and hosted himself and Adrian up, noticing the wet nappie that Adrian had on.

He looked to his baby with a shocked expression on his face as he asked out,  "But first, let's change your nappie ay?" Jackson grabbed a nappie and took Adrian to the bathroom, setting him down on the floor. 

He took down the wet nappied and placed it in the rubbish bin, grabbing the wipes and wiping down Adrian's prince parts. Once that was settled, he held out the nappie and told Adrian to step in, and the latter obeyed instantly. All he really wanted was to eat some damn food.

"Okay, I'll be right back. Stay here unless you want a warm bottom." Jackson warned. He ran to the closet in his room and took out a pair of pastel pink overalls, and a black t-shirt to go under it.

After getting back to the bathroom and quickly helping Adrian get dressed, he picked the latter up and placed him on his hip. From there he headed downstairs to the kitchen, where he sat Adrian down in the wood chair. The latter squirmed uncomfortably while Jackson moved around. 

"Okay babe, now you want cereal or eggs?" Adrian held up a one, showing he wanted cereal. Jackson quickly got out the cereal and milk, pouring the ingredients into a bowl he had gotten down from the cupboard. 

Handing the bowl, and a plastic spoon of course, over to Adrian, Jackson sat down. It was a Sunday and the latter was hoping he could keep Adrian in headspace all day. He had read some things about age play and knew that littles stay in headspace longer when with someone they trust and are completely comfortable. 

So, Jackson's mission was to keep Adrian comfortable for as long as possible. Said boy munched happily on his fruity pebbles and Jackson watched with a smile. "So little man, what do you want to do today? We could go to the park, or do something else." He suggested. 

Adrian mock-thought for a moment before doing everything but shouting, "Pawk! I wan' pawk!" He squealed, and Jackson smiled wide and nodded with a fond expression. His boy really was the cutest.  

He stood up and agreed. "Park it is! C'mon. Do you want to take a bath before we go? Or one when we get back." Adrian giggled. "No baf'!" He squealed. Jackson laughed and nodded at the cherry boy.  

He didn't think he'd ever seen Adrain this happy. "Alright, well let's go get your shoes, and then let daddy get ready. After that, we'll be ready to go!" Jackson stood Adrian up and took him to the living room. 

He placed him on the couch and turned on Spongebob, making the boy giggle and clap his hands in joy. "Alright, stay here while daddy gets ready okay?" Jackson ordered sternly, only receiving a half nod, as the boy on the couch was enveloped by the yellow sponge. 

He sighed and walked up to his room, quickly going over to the closet. He picked out a pair of skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and black converse. Looking at himself in the mirror, he decided he didn't look half bad. 

Little Ways- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now