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A low ache. That was all Adrian could feel after the previous night's torture. It was worse than usual, presumably because his father was most defiantly more intoxicated than normal which could almost always promise a far worse 'punishment'

He had to get over it though, life isn't fair. At least that's what he told himself as he climbed briskly out of the makeshift bed that consisted of a few thin blankets on the ground. It wasn't the best but it had been working for years.

Making his way to the small closet, he opened it wide and gazed at his low selection of items to wear. A few hoodies and t-shirts hung there, jeans that all matched lining along. The box in the corner though is what caught his eye, and he was well aware of the contents it held.

A part of him longed to wear his pretty pink skirt and lace panties, maybe nappies at the moment but he knew he'd have to wait. Knew he'd have to wait to suck on his gold pacifier. A sigh left his lips as he dragging on one of the dark hoodies.

He was lean, toned, not ripped but not real thin. He couldn't exactly get a food income from 'home,' but he usually stole it from the kid at school. He felt bad for taking the lunch every day, but not enough as he knew that the kid brought two. 

He had to eat, there was no other way around it. 

Preparing for another day of the stress that is school, he pondered for a moment if his life was going to turn out. Everyone thought he was rude and disrespectful, and he played along just fine. No one would guess that in his free time he coloured in a nappie and a pink onesie.

Stumbling to the body-length mirror that was cracked, he took sight of how he looked. Disgusting as always, that much was to be expected though. He ran his hand through his thick raven curls, a disliked trait that wasn't called for. He disliked his whole appearance, but again. Life wasn't fair. 

He walked back to the closet and grabbed a black beanie, slouching it over his hair in an attempt to hide it which was a pretty fair success. It would have to due, there wasn't much else he could attempt to make him look anymore....presentable.

As he exited his room - closet of a room - and into the living room, the sight of his father blacked out on the couch unphased him as he merely glanced in his direction. He left the house, immediately shivering at the cold temperature that enveloped his body. 

The walk to school wasn't long, in fact, it was probably only forty minutes until he reached the rusted gates of his public school. He would have gotten there ten minutes earlier if not for him walking on a bum foot that his father had so graciously given to him. 

He got stares as he limped in, not surprising him to the slightest as people not-so-subtly backed into their lockers. He walked all the way till his locker number showed, and as he unlocked the rusted lock he couldn't help but overhear the conversation a few feet away from him. 

"...yeah I heard there was a new kid coming, supposedly he's gay but like super hot. I hope he's not gay. That would be disgusting and disappointing." He heard the girl whisper, which really wasn't a whisper at that point. 

A roll of the eyes from Adrian was all the basic bitches antics got her. A new kid. Interesting, he thought to himself. The warning bell pierced loudly through the air as he hurried to get to class. Yes, people labeled him the 'bad boy,' didn't mean he didn't somewhat like school. 

It was better than at his house, and he would gladly take what he could get his hands on. 

He reached his way to class, which happened to be music, and entered just as the bell rang and a sigh of relief washed over him. He made his way to the back of the classroom where he would find his normal seat before halting. 

Little Ways- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now