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Let's just say, that the realization Adrain had made last night was freaking him out a little bit. Okay, it was freaking him out a lot. He couldn't like Jackson! He probably thought that he was a freak and just pitted him. That was sensible reasoning, he thought.

He sighed against Jackson's warm chest, cuddling just a little closer to him. He would take what he could get, and right now that was cuddles. The blond shifted and Adrian could tell he was awaking by his slightly fast breathing patterns. 

He was a great actor, so he skillfully pretended he was sleeping, which Jackson bought. The latter ran his hands through Adrian's curls, and the raven felt a small sigh on top of his head. Why did his beautiful boy go through so much, Jackson thought to himself. 

Technically, Adrian wasn't his pursay, but he was working on making the little his. 

The little in question felt a tender kiss on his forehead, listing to Jackson mumble things like, 'pretty boy', over and over. It was around twenty minutes later that the blond shook him awake, claiming it was time to get up for school. 

Adrian 'stirred', yawing believably. Years of having to pretend you're okay can really skill someone in the acting department. "Wha' do ya want, Jackie?" He slurred, making the eldest chuckle with amusement. 

"We have to get ready for school, c'mon, get up." Adrian groaned, but got up nonetheless and fisted his eyes, which Jackson thought was adorable. He got up slowly, picking out the same bland outfit he wore every day and getting dressed. 

Jackson made a mental note to take him shopping while making his way to the bathroom to get dressed. He walked back out to find a tired-looking Adrian curled up on his bed. He let a smile form on his face and went over to him, picking him up with ease. 

From there, he took him downstairs and put him on the kitchen chair gently. Adrian really was tired. "I'm going to make blueberry pancakes, is that good okay with you?" Jackson asked mindfully, always thinking of what Adrian could want. 

The latter nodded, mumbling, "I don't care, do whatever." He rested his head on the marble countertop, eyes fluttering closed. As Jackson cooked Adrian pondered on why he lived alone, or where his parents were. 

Voicing his mind he asked softly, "Where are your parents?" Jackson looked over his shoulder at the boy, glad that he was speaking with having to be spoken to. "They're on a business trip. Motivational speakers. They go on them frequently so they aren't really home much." He stated calmly, not minding giving the boy any information he wanted. 

The raven hummed in the back of his throat, eating the pancakes that were just served to him. "Thank you." He whispered, though Jackson hears him and whispered back 'you're welcome' to him. He sat down with a plate of his own, gazing at the boy across from him.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Jackson blurted out, "So, I want to talk about rules." He eyes were fixated on the boy across from him, who nearly spit out his food and his eyes shot up to Jackson. He swallowed his food before stuttering out, "R-rules? What do you mean?" 

The blond crossed his arms and stared at the teen. "I mean ground rules. Ya know, for school and home, just so you stay in line. Nothing too limited, I promise. Are you okay with that love?" He questioned carefully, he wanted him to be comfortable.

Adrian only nodded, his eyes fixating downwards. Jackson got the message to continue and started to speak once again. "First, I don't want to cursing. That's a pretty basic one, easy to follow. Second, I don't like to be ignored. If you have something on your mind, or if I'm asking a question I want an answer." 

"Third, be as respectful as you can. This will earn you the respect of others as well. Fourth, please come to me if you need to talk to someone. I am here for you, no matter what time of day or night. That's mainly all, as all the other ones are basic common sense. You are already aware of the consequences, be good and you won't need them. Sound alright?"

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