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Adrian awoke the next morning around 5:40 AM. He was restless the whole night and was scared half to deaf that his father was going to get him and Jackie. He knew what his father was capable of and it was nothing good. 

The little sat up and sat there for a long while. He couldn't tell Jackie. That wasn't an option. And he didn't have anyone else to tell. So he was alone in this, he presumed. He sighed and laid there for a few moments, debating if he wanted to get up or not. 

Eventually, though, he knew he'd have to get up and get ready for school. Jackie defiantly wouldn't want him to stay home. 

A sigh escaped his chapped lips and he got up, getting dressed in his infamous black bennie, ripped skinnies, and a black t-shirt. He decided to grab his black leather hooded jacket because it was supposedly cold. Jackson had bought him the jacket claiming, 'You can't just not have a jacket.'

He tied the jacket around his waist and adjusted his bennie so it looked right. In a moment his door opened revealing the awake and dressed Jackson that the younger had involuntarily fallen in love with.

The latter pulled a surprised face when he saw that Adrian was awake. The latter was a deep sleeper, and would never get up this early. Then again he had been acting strange, so he shouldn't really be shocked. 

Jackson smiled softly before coming into the room and walking right up to Adrian. The former gently placed his fingers into the loops of Adrian's geans, and softly pulled him forward, attaching his rough lips to the much softer ones.

Adrian smiled into the kiss, and wrapped his arms around his lover's neck, pushing back softly onto the lips of the other. 

The kiss itself lasted only a minute and wasn't tongue, it was short and sweet and when the two pulled apart to stare intently into the eyes of the other, love erupted in a flow in both of their chest. The two seemed to be the only ones in the world, as the room seemed to fadeaways like something out of a fairytale. 

"I love you so much," Jackson stated, never breaking the gaze the two shared. Adrian smiled, dimples popping out, "I love you more." He giggled shyly. It was as if nothing mattered at the moment. 

Jackson shook his head, whispering out an 'impossible', and the two re-collided for another sweet kiss. 

They pulled apart shortly after and Jackson took Adrian's hand, dragging him downstairs for breakfast. The former made a bowl of captain crunch and set it in front of Adrian, informing him he had to go get ready.  

After Jackson was dressed, he went back downstairs to Adrian, eating quickly before driving to school with the other. They walked the halls getting stares, but they were used to it by now. 


Last period. 

Adrian and Jackson were sat next to each other staring intently at the lesson, and Adrian anticipated the bell. Once it did he shot up gathering his things before turning to Jackie. "Jackie, I have to go pee. I'll be back." Adrian informed. "Okay, I'll go out to the car. Hurry please." 

The two departed and Adrian rushed to the boy's bathroom, quickly taking a wiz before washing his hands and stepping out of the bathroom, and into the deserted halls. It was easily quiet, and the little felt very uneasy. 

He walked out through the back door, as he was closer to it and started to walk around the school to get to the parking lot. While he was walking through he felt eyes on him, making him look around. "Probably just being paranoid." He told himself quietly. 

Little Ways- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now