Oh Hell No!!

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"He's joking!" I give a nervous laugh and yank my hand out of his. He looks to me, his eyes narrowed but he just smiles politely at the crowd, so angelically it seems to hide his demon like nature.

"No." He looks to his mother calmly, "I'm not." He grabs my hand again and turns us both with annoying grace towards my father, despite my best efforts to thwart him.

"If you would be so kind your Highness, I would like to be so bold as to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I would love nothing more than for us to get married in future."

I scoff at him, shocked at both his words and sudden politeness. He passes me a side glare but never takes his eyes completely off my father.

My father looks to Queen Bella with confusion evident in his gaze,

"Well I have no problem with that but I was under the impression that if my daughter so wishes, she would marry the second prince."

My eyes widen, Hold Up — What now? Since when was I promised to either of them? Don't women have rights here?!!!

Oh wait...

he said if I so wish...but still!!!

Queen Bella looks towards someone at the edge of the room, someone I didn't realize actually plays such a vital role in avoiding my death. Prince Kei. His usual unreadable expression suddenly clear and to my surprise he seems... mad? Woah, I didn't know he had it in him but he is legit glaring at his brother, and obviously Aryn being Aryn is glaring right back.

"Yes that was what I was intending but..." Queen Bella starts and glances back towards Aryn , "but if the Crown Prince is interested in Princess Alexia then, he is entitled to choose a spouse first."

What kinda messed up rule is that? And why the heck are they talking about me like I'm not in the room? I'm about to voice my presence but my father starts speaking.

"I see," my father smiles, seeming way too pleased with the change in events, "well then Alexia, what would fancy doing?"

You mean besides reaching over, grabbing the bread knife and effectively stabbing Aryn in the arm?

"I..." I start but wonder if me declining the proposal will make my dad hate me, "I" I try again but then I ponder the fact that if I do accept, besides getting married to a complete jerk, I would be making the possibility of my death that much greater. "I would like to focus on my studies." So I decide to pivot and that people, is the first phrase that falls out of my mouth. Aryn scoffs but I ignore it and turn my attention to the rest of crowd.

All eyes turn to me, those polite enough not to stare before can't seem to help doing it now as slowly, carefully I bring my eyes to meet the orange ones of my father. Questions hang in his stare and it's obvious that he, like the rest of the room, is waiting for an explanation.

"What I mean is that I am only 13 and I know you are not asking me to get married right now but I still have a whole future ahead of me"I take a step away from Aryn and towards the crowds, towards my father, "I have so much to learn, not just academic knowledge or skills, but also how to rule a kingdom, how to know what wisdom to use to make decisions" I take another step forward, trying to gauge my father's expression but its useless, so I keep talking. "I know that a crown doesn't make a king, and to serve is the best form of leadership but I have no idea how to apply that. What I mean is," I see that whatever I'm saying is not completely working so I try a new tactic, "I do want to get a fair chance to learn these things without having the title of the Crown Prince's fiancée as when I make mistakes, I won't be feeling like the Crown Prince will be judged too. I'm hardly competent now," I say the last part hating that I have put myself down but realizing losing face is better than losing my life. And I believe it's working when I see the expressions on my father's and Queen Bella's faces soften. I take the last step forward. "Let me have time to learn how to become a great Queen, one that will support him and guide him and be his strength when he has none." I'm pretty sure I just quoted some wedding vows but anyway, "If I am allowed," I bow because people seem to do that a bunch around here, "I would like to answer you at a later stage, when I feel confident I can help bring glory to both our kingdoms."

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Where stories live. Discover now