Secrets & Lies

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Alexia's. P.O.V

I glance at my watch. It's 7:11, four minutes until the time Kade and I set to meet. I got up extra early to avoid any questions the girls may ask about why I have his bag. Now I'm here, leaning against my locker, fiddling with the keyring attached to his bag. It's a black K with a red outline. I pause, my fingers resting against the cool metal and wonder if anyone will make the connection between him and the vandal if they see the keyring. Probably not right. I'm sure there are hundreds of guys and girls here who have names beginning with K, like Kei and Kimberly. Though I can't imagine either of them doing anything against the rules. I close my eyes and decide to prepare myself for seeing Aryn later. To hear him condem my fate once more. I suddenly hear a whistle, except not one used to gain someone's attention but rather that of a tune. Someone is whistling a song, one that for some reason puts me at ease. My eyes creep open to see Kade strolling down the hallway, one hand casually in his pants pocket. Those tailored pants that make his already long legs look longer. He hasn't seen me yet so I don't move my gaze. My eyes travel up to his uniform blazer which defines his broad yet not too broad shoulders. His cuffs are undone, his collar up and red tie loose and hardly done. His black Rollex watch catches the reflection of the light above and bounces off his emerald eyes, making them look like glistening gems, like fresh blades of grass shining from being coated in dew. Just like the rest of his appearance, his Apple hair looks messier than usual. Almost as if he hadn't bothered with a hair brush this morning and had just run his fingers through it. As if to prove my point he lifts his hand (the one not in his pocket) and brushes it though his hair, the silver ring on his index finger shimmering along with the double cuff earring on the top of his ear which had become visible due to his hair being moved out the way. It looks like a slow motion photo shoot. I feel my mouth fall open as I see his hair fall back to its previous position, covering his earring once more as his hand falls back to his side. Then as if on cue, he looks down at his phone and smiles. My eyebrows shoot up. He has the type of smile photographers and modeling agencies spend their entire careers searching for. That one filled with that charm, that complete and utter casual gorgeous that makes it so simple yet completely captivating. The one that makes you stop in streets, the type just meant for Billboard ads on Toothpastes. The type that's like the promise of adventure. The warning of danger. The biggest sign of trouble if there ever was one. He's got that smile. The type that probably gets addictive if you look at it too much. So, I close my mouth and look away. It's unfair. That he clearly hasn't put much effort at all into his appearance yet he still looks as if he just hoped out of the latest copy of TeenVogue. Now I'm starting to see it, why he's so popular with girls. How his casual lack of regard for what people think appeals to them. It's easy for me to understand why he's still so popular despite being a known player. It's his confidence that attracts the girls, his flattery that makes them stay. It's his boredom that breaks their hearts and his smile that makes them unable to hate him. Therefore the vicious cycle starts again. Girls fall for his looks and flowery words unable to take people's warnings to heart because he already weaseled his way in there instead. I click my tongue, no wonder Nina doesn't like him around when we all go over to her house.

"Morning." I startle at his voice even though I saw him coming. I had been too caught up in thoughts.

"Hey," I smile, knowing that I'm safe from his flirting because he's Aryn's best friend and because I'm pretty sure I would end up making some snarky comeback to any cheesy line he could throw my way. That's why I think we can be friends. Especially because if I get him to see how great Aryn and Kimberly are together — he may be able to convince Aryn too. "Here's your bag." I'm about to hand it to him when a familiar voice asks

"Wait, why does she have your bag?"

I watch his eyes widen as mine do too. I slowly peak around behind him to see the suspected dark blue hair and green brown eyes. That times two. I bite my lip but give Tyne and Tristan a smile as Kade quickly grabs his bag and turns around too, shrugging,

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin