Gentleman Graffiti

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***Please note that all the same things apply as before for the character videos I make. None of the content is my own and I get the tik Toks and pictures off Pinterest. The song is called Losing Blood by the Weathers."
Dedicated to CheriseKhan and fantasyplaces17

"Sorry Buddy, I just need to borrow her for a minute." I give a quick apologetic smile to Zac Welsh, A.K.A Harley's chosen victim for tonight. He nods and steps away, that familiar love struck look in his eyes that is Harley's signature parting gift for her suitors.

She looks to me, sipping her champagne, "What's up Lex?"

I pull her arm, dragging her to a random seat,  making a bit of her champagne spill off the edge of her crystal glass.

"Woah Lex, what's wrong?" She whispers to me as the headmaster clangs his spoon on his glass louder than necessary to gain our attention.

I turn to her covertly, "I can't do this anymore Harley. I think he's figured out my plan and he's spinning it against me or something." I whisper but the panic in my voice is still audible

"What do you mean? You didn't tell Tristan, did you?"

I'm about to shake my head but a deep voice interrupts, "Tell me what?"

Harley's violet eyes widen, so wide I can see my own blue ones clearer to find them just as large.

"Oh God, is that..." I gesture to  the left of me, which is behind me from the way I'm facing Harley,  where the source of the voice came from.  She peaks her head around, her eyes growing in size answering my question. I cringe, shutting my eyes just before both of us turn to the sound of the voice slowly, matching forced smiles on our faces.

"Hi." My voice automatically softening when I see his expected sapphire hair and warm green brown eyes.

He smirks, "Cute smile but it's not going to stop me from asking about what I'm apparently meant to know but don't."

"Oh you're not meant to know." I try say reassuringly but from his raised eyebrows I can't tell that only makes him more curious. I mentally curse but look to Harley who then supplies

"What she meant is that it's nothing of importance."

Tristan looks dubious but shrugs, "if you say so..." he then turns back to look at the head masters speech which seems to be becoming more and more boring from the looks of disinterest on the listeners faces.

I release a breath, beyond happy he dropped it. I honestly don't like lying to him. It's like something in me stops me, wants to spill everything to him because a stupid part of me knows he'd make me feel better about it. Even if I had to walk through hell he'd probably make some joke about how it'd at least be warmer than here that would make the trip seem less terrible. It's honestly just something about him. Something that puts me at ease.

"Uh, Lex? Lex?!" Harley shout whispers which gets her a few disapproving looks from a few teachers but she shrugs them off and even winks at Mr Henderson.

"Yes, sorry. Like I was saying, I think Aryn figured it out on his own because he's acting strange like he," I tilt my head, contemplating that crazy thought itself,

"Like What?" Harley isn't even bothering to whisper now but luckily not many people are paying attention the headmaster's speech.

"Like he likes me." I whisper, more because the other princes aren't that far away so I decide to keep my voice low.

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Where stories live. Discover now