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I feel Aryn's fiery gaze on me as the head master goes into stage. I don't look back though even though I want to so I can glare at him. He's sitting with all the other princes and I'm not quite ready to face them all at once.

I do however, distract myself by paying attention to the head master. He looks quite young to be a head master, possibly in his late twenties to early thirties but he has an air of superiority about him that makes all present listen carefully.

"Morning students, welcome to the new First Year's. Congratulations on your acceptance. I hope you didn't get lost and had a pleasant time finding your way."

It was pleasant up until I ran into Aryn. I roll my eyes but focus back on war he's saying.

"Today the First Year's are going to be show casing their powers in order to be assigned a class. Our First set class for the First Years will be joint the First set class of the Second years this time as their are much fewer students so we wish to save resources. We have combined the academic syllabus so the First Years who are in first set may have to study extremely hard in order to adjust. We have assigned mentors and extra lessons available if you are feeling overwhelmed." I knew this would happen, I remember Delia telling me about it in the book. It literally makes no sense but I suppose it needed to happen in order for Kimber to get to spend enough time with the capture targets.

"So without further a do, let's commence the trials. First up we have Jaya Aiyer." Everyone claps and I watch with awe as a beautiful girl with tan skin and dark black silky hair goes up into the stage. She stands directly in the spot light and a the machine which identifies powers, hangs down from the ceiling like a projector, scans her. It beeps and makes whirring noises before finally stating in a monotone robotic voice,

Level 8 water magic.

My eyes widen. Level 10 is the rarest and highest level So to be classified a level 8 is amazing. The machine moves away and materializes a giant bucket of water. My eyes widen, so that's why the machine scans powers, so it can create specialized targets. A huge machine that from the spoke rising out, assumingingly shoots fire. Gasps sound as a few sparks fly up from it.. Jaya then looks to the bucket of water and immediately it rise, just as the machine releases many fireballs all at once, but instead of throwing water balls to extinguish them, she creates a water shield. It gets hit by the fire, but doesn't so much as falter. The machine disappears with a poof, signaling the end. The other power assessing machine comes back and states, 92%. I smile and clap loudly, liking that she stated it off with a bang. I hope she gets into First set. She looks back to the head master who gives her an impressed nod. "Very Good Miss Aiyer. Please take a seat." Jaya nods and walks off stage. I give her a smile as she walks off stage and a thumbs up. She grins and mouths a 'Thanks.'

"Next is Hector Arden." I watch as another boy goes up with bright blond hair and blue eyes. When he goes to the machine it follows the same process beeping and whirring until it states,

Gift — Level 6 Seëer.

I nod, seëers are rare but only the ones above level 7 are useful. The machine doesn't even set up a target, it just goes back to its original position. 33%

I wince, that sucks. Poor him! Now I see why doing it in front of everyone sucks. Oh God, please let that not happen to my friends or to me. I know it's selfish but—

Another name being called interrupts me but I zone out, feeling bad for watching them suddenly. I only pay attention to the good ones. So far there have only been two extremely exceptional ones: Jaya, and a boy called Zac Welsh who had telekinesis, level 7.

I keep track of the names and tense when they say, "Harley Brixley."

I look to Harley to find her sound asleep on my shoulder. I panic and shake her a little too hard,

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Where stories live. Discover now