my life being turned upside down

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Being hit like this, from all sides. First my mother-in - law went into the hospital. Then they told us that she only has two to six months to live.

Then about two days later we had to rush over there and I had to play nurse in a way. It was awful.

He had an accident and he only had a pull up partly on. I also had my dog koda with me since he was also trained to go get help if I needed it.

This was his first blood pressure I took.

This was his first blood pressure I took

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It was high as you could see. At this point he was still on his bed. I also took his heart rate and oxygen level.

So I did it a hour later again and this is what I got

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So I did it a hour later again and this is what I got.

So I did it a hour later again and this is what I got

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So now his heart rate dropped and so did his oxygen

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So now his heart rate dropped and so did his oxygen.

We kept trying to get him to go to the hospital. But he refused. Then it happened he went to the floor and no one could get him off the floor. All though koda was going to try and brace.I had to command Koda to back down. Because my father in-law weighs to much.

Well he went to the hospital finally. He has some kind of blood infection.

There giving him very high dose antibiotics. So now he has a percentage to live.

Then on the same day I receive a phone call on my mammogram. They found something on my right breast. So I had to go back Friday. Which was yesterday. Well everything negative for that.

Then on Thursday I return my moms phone call and she tells me I can come see her this summer. I said you made my day and I really needed that. Then she hit me big. She tells me she not going to live much longer

I tried so hard not to cried. I ended up angry well more then that.

See he would not allow me to see my mother and the last time I saw her was over 7 to 8 years ago.

I feel he robbed me from all that time I could of spent holidays vacation to see her. Now I only get a week.

Then my counselor told me the same day. That he's retiring. He going to pick my new counselor. I made him a deal. If we could be pin pals I will do it.

He agreed. This was something I had control over. I took the chance. Its hard because I usually don't get hit like this all at once. And I will admit it, I'm lost her and don't know what to do with all this?

Why, can't it just be one thing, not several.

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