can't let go yet

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I don't know why I can't let you go. I always thought you out live dad. I wish I have gotten more time with you.

Yesterday I clicked on your number and I was going to wish you a Happy memorial day. But all I could do is stare at your number.

I can't delete your number yet. I don't know if I could delete it any time soon

I keep having dreams of you. I can't hardly eat either. Sleeping well I keep waking up because of the dreams of you.

Some times I wish I could be with you but I know I can't do that either. Why is this so hard mom?

I can't bare being without you. As stupid as that sounds mom. I wanted to come see you again before you died and now I can't

I got no grave to go to. Faith is taking her sweet time to send my necklace with your ashes in it.

We're waiting for that to hold on memorial for you. That way your family can get say goodbye.

Faith and dad will not do it for you which is wrong. How is can anyone just say goodbye then.

Mom I love you too the moon and back. I await your ashes and I promise you I will hold a momorail in your honor the way you would of wanted it.

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