emotionally drained

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I know I had surgery on Nov 17 but my sister in law is emotionally draining me. Even when our friend was sitting her and you could hear her and there dad saying he had to be there to get the boiler going for heat for his dads house. Mind you he does have electric heaters right now. but anyways my husband kept telling them I can not be left alone. Just in case I fall. I can only stand on one leg with my walker just to go to bathroom. there's just been to many times I almost lost my balance when standing on my good leg. I already slid half way off the toilet cause my cast slid across floor when I was sitting there. but they kept saying that don't matter that him being at his dads house was more important. Our friend shook his head and said I should be priority right now. that other family members should take care of his dad. So what if he goes over there and Im left alone i'm not going to use the bathroom for hours on in. or chance it with no help and risk something. she's been doing this for days even when I was in the er on friday and she made me angry and told me to check myself and she was sick of my attitude over the heat situation over at there dads. i myself have tried to tell her that he can't keep doing this. take care of his dad and deal with me and keep up with the house chores. I'm in ice packs now to take massive swelling down so I can just go to a few stores. its so hard for me to get into our truck. it's high off the ground. By the time we come home I'm so weak. I can't sit in truck all day either if we go to his dad. for reasons I can't say I can't and will not go in that house.

So right now I'm flustered because i feel like his sister is not caring about my situation. like she won't care what happens to me.   This is taking a toll on me. how do I fight someone that doesn't give a rats ass of what happens to me. 

She is suppose to be the care giver over her parents she's the one that moved an hour away when she has responsibility her. plus she gets pay for it.  More like get paid for doing nothing. 

I hate she is  making my husband run ragged. i told her as soon my doctor gives the ok for my husband to get knee replacement what is she going to do then. she told me that was months away. I'm not telling her all its going to take is for me to be able to walk with my walker because she more or less saying he can't have the surgery.  I'm not going there with her because I will really go off on her and end up blocking her. 

I can't take no more from her. I am about to  blow on her.

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