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Darkness is the place you go to hide. Darkness is where you build your walls up but have very small windows to look through.

Darkness feels safe. Darkness is where no one can hurt you because you built the walls very high and strong.

They say darkness has monsters in it. But the monsters are on the outside. But this type of darkness don't. This darkness blocks your soul, your heart and you go numb.

You think its Darkness that blocks your very soul. You'll do anything to keep this darkness as a shield. To keep bad stuff out and maybe if chance let goodness in.

But darkness don't allow goodness in. So you don't feel anything.

People keep beating me up. Bullying me. Every since I was a kid.

I thought since we all moved across the bridge that I would have friends, and things would change. But they never did.

I was bullied all the time. I had one friend Shelly as I told you. People stole from me.

I started drinking at the age of 16. I thought this was never going to stop so I went into the darkness where no one could hurt me and I kept to myself.

 I thought this was never going to stop so I went into the darkness where no one could hurt me and I kept to myself

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