This chapter will tell you what happen to me from growing up to now

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It started when I was between two and three years old. My dad went to get something his buddy slid down his fingers and started touching.

I didn't know what he doing and I knew it was wrong. I got up not feeling comfortable at all.

I walked into the bathroom and locked. I turned on the shower as hot as I could.

I know not a age to do all this but I had to get his touch off of me. I got out of the shower and wrapped it around.

That's when I found my old razor. It was sharp on the both sides. I picked it up and moved it around. Still again I caught myself and is this way out. Its happened a few other times.

I was 6 years old and everyone was playing kick the can. But then it got of control. A girl called maya got cut so bad in her neck it was half off.

I got up and ran for her. I grabbed a hold of her hand.
I pulled her slowly moving back with me and then we both sat down slowly. Finally the ambulance guys came.

"What made you do this. you Actually possibly you saved her life." I couldn't help but smile but that was short lived.

All this ambulance, cop and fire  truck left and as I turned that's when a cans started hitting me.

The bus finally stop. "Seat behind me." I did as the bus driver told me.

Then I felt wetness but it  wasn't from me crying. I leaned over and she pulled over to the side to stop the bus.

I watched as she Kneeled down in front of me. "Here tip your head black. I'll let the nurse take care of you. I couldn't even tell them and even my sister was apart of it.

My liked the best of out of everything. She don't even talk to me now. I do know she's been telling everyone she haven't seen her around or she's not my sister.

It hurts me more when it's my sister. So when I get done I ask my parents if I could over to uncle Larry. My mom and dad also cave in.

1.See at time I was diagnosed with one of the things called ADhd

ADHD is one of the most common and most commonly misunderstood  disorders among young people in the US. According to the CDC, 11% of children between the ages of 4 and 17 in the U.S. have an ADHD diagnosis, which is a significant increase from 20 years ago. For those diagnosed with the disorder, that might mean ongoing medication or behavioral therapy treatment into adulthood. Understanding what a diagnosis means and how to handle treatment is a must for today's parents.

What Is ADHD?

ADHD is a brain disorder that may affect attention, impulse control and the ability to sit still. Though the prevalence of symptoms is different patient to patient. Someone with ADHD might have trouble with the following:

Paying attention in a classroom setting or on the job

Sitting still without fidgeting

Planning for the future

Avoiding impulse purchases

Interacting in social situations

Someone with ADHD will find it harder to get and stay organized, meet deadlines, stay on task and think before they act, but they are not trying to be defiant on purpose. They simply have trouble with behaviors many people think of as normal.

Stages and Types of ADHD

ADHD comes in three basic types: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and combined type.

Predominantly inattentive presentation: When a child has this form of ADHD, they have a lot of trouble paying attention. They are easily distracted and often don't follow directions well. They might lose track of a conversation in mid-thought or forget daily routines.

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation: A hyperactive and impulsive presentation might mean a child that interrupts a lot and has trouble sitting still long enough to do homework. They might run, jump, and climb consistently, resulting in more frequent injuries. These children have problems with impulse control, leading them to do things like snatch and grab things or talk over other people.

Combined presentations: In a child with a combined presentation of ADHD, you will often see both sets of symptoms equally present.

ADHD can look very different in a child of four versus a teenager or adult. Younger children might not be able to sit still in school while older children may manage better for longer periods of time. Just remember that sitting still might go hand-in-hand with feeling restless. ADHD symptoms are also generally different in female children than in their male counterparts. ADHD is diagnosed three times more frequently in boys, and researchers think this is not because it is more prevalent in males, but because the symptoms tend to be subtler and harder to identify in female

I will tell you I do research on stuff l like to think you may benefit from this and understand it better.

2.emotional disorders-

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that affects about 1.6-percent of adults in the United States alone. According to the National Health Services (NHS), it is the most commonly recognized personality disorder and affects a person’s thoughts and feelings about themselves and others.

Those who develop BPD tend to begin exhibiting signs by early adulthood. The condition generally worsens as they move into young adulthood, but it can get better as they age. Read on to learn what the 9 most common symptoms and 3 biggest risk factors of BPD to be mindful of.

1. Fear of Abandonment

People with BPD tend to have a strong fear of being left alone or abandoned. Regardless of whether such abandonment is real or imagined, the individual may go to extreme measures to avoid possible separation or rejection.

For example, says someone with BPD may “beg, cling, start fights, jealousy track your loved one’s movements, or even physically block the other person from leaving.” Unfortunately, these behaviors may cause loved ones to withdraw, resulting in exactly what they feared and were trying to prevent.

Thats enough of that. My brain needs a break. I want to tell you when I was 8 my biggest bully grabbed my arm and started dragging me to her house. I stayed right where I was.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the woods and pushed me to ground and put her hand around my neck. I was crying and praying this would all stop.

Everyone left
except for mark and his sister.  She gave up and walk away. "Are you aright?" For the first time+ some
Strange. Follow me I got some friends that would like to meet you.

I knew it was a bad Idea. But I followed him anyways. I knew this wasn't going to be good at all, but I couldn't stop it.

They all wanted me to give them b.j.s. I kept shaking my head no but I was forced to.

When I was done they just left me there. I asked myself why does this keep happening to me.

First pat my dads buddy putting his hand down my pants and playing with my butt. I always tried to move but couldn't.

Okay I really need to stop now. To much over load right  now.

My JournalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora