Getting To Know Red

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They pulled away fully feeling eyes on them, turning to see the Cullen family smiling at them fondly. Red smiled but was somewhat awkward, if she could blush she would be bright red at that moment "Uhm... Sorry for the intrusion." Esme waved off her apology, "No intrusion at all. We're happy to have you here." Carlisle wrapped his arm around his wife. "Please do come in we all would really like to get to know you better." The family relocated into the living room each taking a seat. Red opting for the one closest to Edward.

"What is it that you would like to know?" Red looked around the family they most certainly were welcoming to her but being of another kind around all these cold ones made her feel awkward. "Well..." Emmet began and Edward shot him a look, "I don't think that's appropriate Emmet." Red raised a brow in question and couldn't help but feel curious, "I'm sure it's fine." she assured Edward but then looked to the bear-like Cullen, "What is your question, Emmet?" Emmet smirked as he leaned a little forward and rested his arms on his knees, "We know about your first love as your book said but who else have you shacked up with before Eddie boy?" Red smiled and shook her head at the question with a small laugh.

Edward knew he couldn't be jealous as he'd been married and had a child before meeting Red but there was a part of him that didn't like the thought of his mate being with anyone else. "Well, Emmet tho I've never had such a connection with my first love or as to what I feel for your brother....well I think the fairest way to say it is that I am no nun." She grinned and gave Emmet a playful wink that caused him to laugh and a few other Cullen's to try and stifle their own amusement. Red took Edwards hand, she was able to scenes his discomfort with the topic of her past lovers. "Anything else?"

To everyone's surprise, Jasper was the next to speak, "If you don't mind me asking how is it that you turned?" Red paused for a moment thinking over how her next words should be framed. "My turning as I'm of another species of vampire to you cold ones is different as the matter of transition. I remember the day vaguely after all it's the day my entire being would shift focus. I was in the woods I was on my way to visit my grandmother she was a... Witch I think is the best way to put it, lived out of the way of villages and such." Red laughed a little shaking her head and Renesmee moved to her other side taking her hand the young child aware this was no bedtime story, the rest of the Cullen's held onto every word Red said, "I was taking her ingredients as it were. I had been foolish and travelled off the path and it felt like I was being followed through the woods as it grew darker and darker. I couldn't find the rode anymore I was lost and that's where I found him. The vampire. . .  he was hidden in the shadows watching me, he came out to the clearing, these black veins under his eyes they were terrifying." She shook her head a little as the memories flashed in front of her eyes "He smirked at me and I knew this was one of the monsters my mother and the village folk had spoken of, the kind that held no mercy. I don't remember much else before he attacked me. He bit me, drinking for a moment when he then pulled away biting his own wrist and making me drink his own blood. He had me laid in a field of these flowers that hurt your nose smelling them, would have seemed beautiful in the daylight but this was no time for such trivial things... I died there. You see my kind have to die before we can take the next step into transition. I awoke a few hours later he had stayed with me, he told me his name was Benjamen" The name tasted like acid in her mouth and she hadn't realised the tears slowly streaming down her face, "He explained what he had done to me and that I would have to feed if I was to complete my transition into immortality and if I didn't I would die. I fled, he let me. I didn't mean to travel to that farm I had no idea anyone would be there but there was, a husband and wife they were good people. They didn't deserve what I did to them and I never meant to... Just the thirst was too strong..and ever since then I've tried to be better than my creator."

Grandma Red  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora