Shut Up And Kiss Me

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Edward looked down at the papers, not daring to look away from then till he found no longer hearing the silence that was Bella. He then turned to Red, "Is it okay if I speak to you outside?" He felt conflicted. The papers could wait a while to be sorted officially, but he just wanted to talk to Red.

She gave him a kind smile and excused herself from Renesme and Jacobe and followed Edward out to the backyard.

"Yes, Edward?" Red didn't really know what to say she knew he was her mate, and he literally got his divorce papers signed a couple of seconds ago. Now was not the time to be fawning over him. To be thinking hoe beautiful his eyes where. To wonder what there was to him that made him Edward. She had spent time thinking of him when she had promised herself that she wouldn't. What would his favourite music have been? What was his story? What led him to Forks? What was he like when human? Did he have hobbies?

"Look, I know you're a little uncomfortable, and I just got divorced well, sort off. But I feel something with you and you make everything around you brighter and you are so beautiful...." Edward was speaking so fast that if Red wasn't a vampire, she wouldn't have been able to keep up with him she placed a delicate finger against his cold lips. "Just shut up and kiss me, Edward." Red grasped at his shirt and pulled him down to reach her smaller stature. There wasn't fireworks. No, there were nuclear bombs raging in their hearts, and a drug flowing threw their dead veins. This is what having a mate was like. Their lips locked together like waves against the sea, and it was bliss.

Grandma Red  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang