She Loves A Dramatic Entrance

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Jacob rushed to the door upon hearing his grandmother's voice from the other room. And found himself not all that surprised to see her stood there at the fresh hold of the Cullen home wrapped in her all familiar blood-red cloak.

He sighed shaking his head with a smile etching its way onto his lips "Grams, what are you doing here?" Red gave her grandsons her signature fake innocent look. Which unknown to everyone but Jasper made a certain bronze haired vampire get butterflies. "Now now Jacob I am unsure as to what you mean" Red fained innocents and Jake tried to give her his best bitch face but couldn't stop the small smile, "I know you wanted to meet Nessie but seriously showing up here." The old vampire only responded with a shrug of her shoulders. Jake turned to the confused yet slightly dazzled Cullen's, "Sorry about her, she likes having a dramatic entrance. Everyone, this is my Grandmother Red. Grams these are the Cullen's."

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