The Woman In The Story

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A few days went by, and it had come to the Cullen's attention that Jacob had been spending more and more time on the Reservation than at their home. It left the Cullen's in wonder as to why this would be happening since Jacob had removed himself from his former pack when Renesmee was born. And now it seemed as if he couldn't seem to stay away from them. Renesme had mentioned that Jacob's grandmother had come into town and that the Reservation had become a nicer place to live. They decided that when they next saw Jacob, they would ask him about the mystery woman who seemed to be making everything better.

The Cullens were spread around the living room listening to Rensemee read the stories in the book that Jacob had gifted her, the words seem to fly off the page and create a picture within each of the vampire's heads. They were so engrossed in the tales that they didn't hear Jacob come into the house and make his way to the fresh hold of the room watching them. The only one not paying attention to the story was Bella, and well, that wasn't very surprising since she never really spoke to anyone these days.

"And with that Red left La Push in hopes to find another immortal thing in a world she knew too often would die. But she didn't leave without a last kiss placed on her lover's lips and a promise to her children that she would one day return to have seen them grown." Renesme finished reading the story, and she smiled at the ending. She thought it was beautiful in a more sad way than happy.

The Cullen's were in awe of the story, but they were quickly brought out of their daze once they realised Jacob was standing in the doorway watching them. Renesme, as usual, ran to her mate and welcomed him with open arms, leaving the book on the sofa next to Edward, who had nodded to Jacob in greetings once they cought eyes.

Despite himself, Edward found himself drawn to the small leather-bound book, carefully picking it up and flipping through the pages with care. He found that each word was looped and joined together, creating an elegant picture it seemed so beautiful to him. There was a faint scent that clung to the pages that lured him in, and he was unsure what that could possibly mean. The mind-reading vampire was brought back to the present when he heard Rosalie ask Jacob if the stories were, in fact, true or just a superstition, to which Jake responded, "Of course there true. There about my grandmother Red, she always has had a knack for storytelling." Even though the Cullen's were curious about the mysterious woman who wrote so well, they dropped the subject so as to not pry into Jacob's family life.

Bella stood off to the side of the room, something that she had found herself doing since Renesmee was born. She was thinking about the woman in the story's and was sure that she had heard of her before recalling that she had heard a few of them as a child. Aswell as faintly remembering the not so secret gatherings they would have with a woman in red too, which she was never privy to when she had come to Forks in her youth. But surely it could not be the same woman that was in the stories as to who she had seen as a child. The woman she had seen as a child was not a woman but a teenage girl, there was only one possible way that girl was the same woman in the stories but it didn't seem all too plausible.

The sky grew dark as the day dragged on, the shadows on the lawn growing again as the only source of light coming from their home. Everything should have been quiet and empty, but then there was a knock on the door. There was no heartbeat outside, no sound of shoes or tires on gravel, not even the sound of someone breathing. There was no noise to indicate anyone being there, so who could be knocking?

Carlisle, as the head of the house and coven, decided he should be the one to answer the door. But when the cold one opened the door, he was surprised when he came face to face with a pale-faced girl in a red cloak. Bella caught a look at the guest's face, and recognition flashed over her face it really was the woman she'd seen all those years ago.

The Cullen's surprisingly found themselves feeling as if they'd met this woman before. No one seemed to say anything, so the woman in their doorway decided to break the ice, "Hello, I'm looking for Jacob Black. I was told I could find him in the home full of Cold Ones... Sorry, uh, The Cullen's."

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