The Gift Of History

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Jacob wasn't in much of a rush this time, and he reached Cullen's home in less than 10 minutes. The lights from the house cast long shadows across the lawn them stretching to the edges of the tree line. When Jacob got to the beginning of the lawn, he saw Renesmee standing by the open front door with Edward beside her.

When Renesmee saw Jacob at the end of the lawn she started to giggle and bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement, Edward couldn't hide the smile that was curving it's way onto his lips seeing how happy his daughter was. He had stopped her from running to Jacob when she spotted him further in the woods. Renesmee couldn't wait anymore and sprinted to Jacob when she reached him she wrapped her small arms around the shifters stomach. Jacob responded quickly by wrapping his much larger arms around her shoulders and smiling down at his imprint.

"You're back," She smiled brightly up at the werewolf. "I told you I would be coming back, and I've got you something." Renesmee pulled away after a moment, and Jacob knelt down so that he was at half off the vampire's small height.

Jacob pulled out the old small brown leather book that his grandmother had just given him minutes before. He smiled and slowly opened the book, showing Renesmee the delicate spiral writing and hand-drawn pictures inside.

"This was my grandmothers. It's full of legends and stories of my tribe." He closed the book carefully and placed it in her small pale hands. "And now it's yours." The young half-vampire smiled widely at the gift, but then her eyebrows furrowed, and a small frown set on her face."But won't she miss her stories?" Jacob smiled at her reassuringly."I'm not sure. She just told me to give them to you." Her eyes lit up at the information. "Really?" Her voice was filled with hope at the information, and she listened for a lie, but there was no skip in Jacob's heart, making her smile wider. "Yeah, she said that she couldn't wait to meet you either." Renesmee squealed and flung her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly, Jacob lifted her up and then carried her back towards Edward, who stood by the open door waiting for them.

"Daddy, look! Jacob's Granny gave me a book." Renesmee gently held the book, putting it clearly in her father's view. Once they were beside him again, Edward smiled lovingly at his daughter. "That's nice, sweetie. Do you want to read it before you go to bed?" he asked, looking from the small book to his daughter's eyes. She responded by nodding happily.

The three of them made their way up to Nessie's room. Once she was changed into her pyjamas and tucked into bed with Edward on her left and Jacob on her right, Edward opened the book carefully and was about to start reading but was caught off guard by the beautiful ink drawings of wolves and people on the pages. "Who made this?" He looked at Jake with clear curiosity, "My grandmother made it. Why?" Edward didn't respond for a moment still looking at the pictures before saying, "It's beautiful." With that, he began to read the story of how the woman in red came to La Push and fell in love with a werewolf or as the book refeared to him, 'a spirit warrior'. Yet Edward wouldn't know tell later that the story was completely true and that he would meet the woman in red.

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