the best things

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Edward wrapped his arm around Red a little tighter. He felt his heart hurt for his mate. She hadn't wanted this. Then again, not many of them had ever asked for this. Carlisle wasn't as cruel as others. He only gave it to them to save them. He didn't do it from malice or amusement.

Nessie climbed into Red's lap and hugged her tightly. Tears in the little girl's eyes. Red let go of Edward and wrapped her around Nessie. Cradling her in her arms, careful so as not to hurt her but tight enough to keep her close. Red bowed her head, whispering to her. "It's okay, Nessie. I wouldn't change the way things turned out. Not now. Though it was not a gift I wanted, it has given me so much. Like meeting you."

Sniffling, Nessie raised her head, and tears had fallen. Red cooed softly, swipping them away gently. "Do you mean it?" Nessie mumbled, sniffling. "With all my heart, Reneseme."  Nessie teared up again and hugged her tightly, burying her head in Reds chest. Red carefully wrapped her cloak around the young half vampire.

"I think that is enough about me... I am far more curious of all of you. Edward has told me of how you have all lived together for so long.. it's a blessing to have a coven this strong." Red turned her attention to Esme and Carlisle. Carlisle nodded to her gently, a smile playing on his lips, "Thank you. I had never planned for a coven in the beginning. It sort of just happened gradually." Esme chuckled softly, resting her head on her mates shoulder.

"All the best things are unexpected in my experience."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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