Grandma's Finally Home

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Jacob, Nessie, and Edward were playing out in the front yard of the Cullen home while Bella watched them from the second-story window. She had complained about how they were being childish, but both Edward and Jacob knew that wasn't the full story. See, things had been off between Bella and Edward as of late. They hardly spoke, and even when they did, all the two did was fight. It was now rare to see them both in the same room as each other for more than 5 minutes. It worried Renesmee, despite her slightly older appearance, she was only a child, and she would often mention to Jacob in private that she thought they would get a divorce.

Edward looked up to Jacob sadly as he heard the thoughts circling the shifters head regarding him and his wife. Edward was a good father. He just wanted to keep his daughter happy and safe. Since Jacob imprinted on Renesme, the werewolf and vampire had made a friendship between themselves. It was more so they were on a common ground of keeping the sweet half-vampire alive and healthy. It had come to both off their attention that the complicates relationship between them before was a stupid feud insisted by tradition and perhaps some classic male jealously that both were too proud to admit out loud.

The only problem there seemed to be now was that Bella was being a bitch to everyone all of the time.

"You got that right" Edward mumbled smirking a little as a thought crossed Jacobs mind of how Bella was in fact being a bitch. The old vampire might have felt bad for agreeing to such a thing about his wife but he knew it was true. "Yeah" Jacob grinned a little mumbling under his breath aware of the other vampires eyes from the window.

Out of nowhere, Leah and Seth came bursting through the tree line, that separated the Cullen property from the rest of the woods. Both the Clearwater siblings were drenched in sweat and breathing heavily it was clear they had been in a rush. But despite their clear exhaustion, they both had massive grins plastered on their faces. The two werewolves came to a halt in front of the small group of three. "What is Leah Clearwater smiling? Oh, no, is the world ending?" Jake asked in fake horror, making Renesmee giggle. Not even then did Leah's smile fade at Jacob's teasing, which led to him thinking, 'Okay, Leah's on drugs'.

"Jake, we have news," Seth was practically vibrating as he kept bouncing on the balls of his feet like an over-excited child. "Okay, then tell me..." Before Jacob could get another word out, Leah couldn't help herself and blurted out. "Grandma Red's home!" Edwards brow furrowed as he read the shifters' minds, but they all seemed so jumbled that he couldn't make much sense of it.

"What... you're kidding me, right?" Jacob couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice or the smile that was growing on his face. "No! We would never joke about this. She's at Sam's waiting for us to get back. She really missed you, Jake." Seth explained, grinning like a child on Christmas. Clearly, this woman they spoke about was a rare visitor but one that was welcomed joyously, Edward noted. "Okay, then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Jacob was about to take a step towards his pack members but turned around to see  Nessie looking at him slightly upset and a confused Edward.

"Sorry, Nessie. Sorry, Edward. I've got to go and see someone down on the Revs. I'll be back later, tho okay?" He knelt down so that he was at his imprints height, smiling at her and nodding his head to Edward as if to say 'if that's okay?' Edward nodded a little, reading his mind. Nessie flung herself into Jacob's arms, hugging him tightly, and told him that she would see him later before she took off running after a butterfly. 

Edward looked to the three shifters, "Have a good time with your grandmother." Before another word could be said, the werewolf hightailed their way to Sam's eagerly.

Grandma Red  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora