Divorce Papers

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Edward had worked fast to get the divorce papers in order for the following afternoon. When they arrived, he was going to take them straight to Bella, but then he saw her.

Jacob had brought Red over again since Renesme wanted to get to know her more. Especially after not getting very long to last night. The sun hit Red in a way that made her almost glow, not in the way his kind did, but her fair skin just seemed to beam out this warmth that he wanted to hold onto.

He listened in on their conversation, "Is the story of you and Andrew true?" Renesmee played with the flowers looking at the older vampire. Red smiled at the young half breed "Yes very much so." Renesmee eyes widened. "So it was love at first sight? You felt the earth move under your feet?" Nessie had taken a liking to the story's bound in the leather book and remembered most of them by heart. "Cause you wrote that when you looked upon him, your eyes were stuck that the word shifted under your feet and seemed fixed to him. That he was the centre of your world." Nessie laughed excitedly. Red opened her arms for the child to come closer, and Nessie sat on her lap, and Red rapped her in her hood with her. "Young Nessie, it is all true. Andrew captured my heart from the first moment I saw him. And I have loved him ever since." Edward felt a pang of jealousy strike through him but carried on listening. "Have you only ever loved Andrew?" Red shook her head softly. "I have loved more than just Andrew, but he was my first true love, and there will never be anything like it again." Nessies brow furrowed. "Why not?" Red gave a content sigh playing with the young girl's hair "Because true love only comes round once in a lifetime. And I'm glad to have found him because he made me a better person."

Edward decided to stop listening in on their conversation and get this thing over with. He found Bella sitting in the living room Emmet sat watching TV. Edward placed the papers in front of Bella on the coffee table. "Bella, I want you to sign these." Bella glanced at the papers and then looked to Edward. "No."

Before Edward could say anything, Renesmee skipped into the room, holding Reds hand tightly and Jacob following behind like a lost puppy. "Dad, look! Reds, my new best friend. And she said she's going to teach me how to make flower crowns." She was smiling widely, Emmet looked to Jacob."You've been replaced by your grandmother. How do you feel?" He started to laugh a wide smile of his own spread across his face. Jacob gave him a sarcastic smile. "Shut up."

Edward looked to Red for a moment before looking to Bella. "Please just sign them, Bella. It's not like we're happy." Bella glanced at Nessie playing with Red in the corner of the room, and she noticed the way Edward would steal a glance at the older vampire every few seconds. Bella hated it. But some part of her knew that this was what she had to do. "Fine," she signed the papers and stormed out of the house. No one knew where she was going, but they chose not to worry for now.

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