The Date (Part 2)

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Edward rested his head against hers and pulled her close, "You have no idea how happy I am to have met you, Red." Reds lips twisted into a wide smile, and she lifted her head hovering over his lips, "May I?"

He smiled back. "Always." He connected their lips and that feeling of truly belonging set in for them, who knew after all these years of being alone, all they had to do was look in a tiny rainy town that no one remembered.

It felt like forever before they pulled away, Edward rested his head on hers, and he pulled her hood down, letting his hand wander into her curled black locks. "You are so... So beautiful," he whispered to her, smiling her eyes flickering between silver and black. Red blinked, trying to get the thirst to stop from creeping up into her throat and not spoil this beautiful moment.

"Red... What's wrong?" Edwards's voice laced with concern as Red looked up at him. "I'm so sorry, I'm thirsty. I can go feed after we have been together, tho." Edward looked to her softly, "Hey it's okay. We could hunt together.." Before he could finish, Red cut him off. "I don't drink animal blood like you. I drink human blood, Edward." The way she said his name sent shivers down his spine. "I am a different kind to you. My bite does not turn others... I can feed without turning or without killing. And I don't want you to think me a monster, my love, but I won't convert my eating habits again. " Red gulped, looking up to Edward as it fell silent between the two mates. 

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