*myths and legends*

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One of my friends has passed away due to an overdose.

Thanks for understanding my lack of updating, you guys are amazing.

XOXO Ally Layne.


I was shocked that Emily didn't ask why I needed the icepack.

Someone must've warned her that I was trouble.

However, after seeing just how rough Paul's face was looking, she scowled and cleaned the cuts while berating him for getting into a fight.

"Paul Lahote, I know you were the one who started it," she scolded, making him look away in shame.

I pursed my lips to hide the snickers that tried to escape, but the others seemed to have no such restraint, and they burst into laughter.

She looked over at the boys and rolled her eyes. "You all should be glad that Sam isn't-"

"I'm not what?"

Sam walked in the door, eying the members of his little cult in curiosity. However, that curiosity gave away when he saw Emily, and he strode over to her, wrapped the woman in his large embrace, and traced kisses along her scars.

Paul had the audacity to cough, and I had to admit my face was starting to turn red from such a display of affection. I mean, I was used to Annabeth and Percy, but this was so much more... I don't know, intimate.

"What happened to you?" Sam asked the other young man, who raised his chin slightly at Sam's stern gaze.

"Black was being a baby-"

"He provoked Jake," Jared cut in, raising a brow in Paul's direction, daring him to contradict the facts. "Apparently, Paul thought it would be a good idea to get into a fight with Andie."

Sam's eyes snapped over to where I was sitting, happily looking down at the Spanish directions written on the icepack.


Why did it feel like I was being reprimanded by my mother?

I slowly looked up at Sam, whose gaze hadn't wavered in the meantime. "Did you get into a fight with Paul? Deliberately?"

I grimaced. "Uh... maybe?"

Emily giggled underneath a hand that flew to cover her lips.

Sam looked down at her with a look that just said, really?

Her other hand met her lips, as her giggles only seemed to get louder.

I couldn't help but laugh at the display. They reminded me so much of Annabeth and Percy it was starting to hurt. Especially when I remembered why I was even there in the first place.

"How long have you been together?" I asked, looking between the two adults who were staring at each other with hearts in their eyes.

Sam's eyes flickered back over to me, narrowing slightly. "Oh no, you won't be getting out of this that easily," he cautioned.

My curiosity turned into annoyance very quickly. "And why do I have to answer to you, exactly?"

His stance straightened, and he took a few steps in my direction. With how tall he was, this could've been taken as an intimidation tactic, but I wasn't so easily swayed. At least, not by someone who had just been making eyes at his fiancée.

Even though he was basically a cyclops with how tall he was.

But he had two eyes, so that didn't really fit.

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