*the chihuahua named jake*

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Dearest Readers,

Thank you ALL for sticking with me. I am starting to get more energy back and here comes a wave of updates for you guys. I hope. Let me know what you think, as always, and please give me some ideas as to what YOU want to see happen ;) I have a plan for this plot, but I want to know what the readers think, too!

XOXO Ally Layne.


I really didn't want there to be someone knocking on my door bright and early in the morning, but then again, we don't always get what we want.

I tried to smother myself with my pillow at the incessant pounding on the door. After hiking up my comforter past my ears and trying to drown out the sound as best I could to catch a few more minutes of blissful sleep- the dickwad started to call my name.

"Andie! Answer the door!"

Ugh. At this point I would be willing to drown myself to get rid of that racket. Friggin wolves and their bad habits.

Jake Black seemed to be the worst out of all of them. And here he was, banging on my door.

"Get out of bed and answer the door, you know I can hear your heartbeat!"

I paused. He can do what?

"Then you can hear me telling you to shut the hell up," I grumbled. "Let me sleep."

"It's already noon! You've been sleeping for over 12 hours!"

I opened my eyes and checked my alarm clock to make sure he wasn't lying to me.

Damn, the dickwad was telling the truth.

But wait... "How did you know I've been sleeping for over 12 hours, you pug!"

I quickly put on a bra, a clean ACDC sweatshirt, and some jeans before stomping over to the door while hearing the sound of laughter come from the other side. I was well aware I had bad breath and my hair was sticking up in multiple directions, but at least I was wearing clothes.

Ripping open the door, I prepared myself to deliver the biggest dressing-down of the century to that jerk. But as soon as I was hit with a bright light shining from behind him, something also commonly referred to as the sun, I winced and shut my eyes with a groan.

"What are you, a vamp? Wake up, Andie, we got chaos to spread," Jake told me, his voice sounding way too chipper for me to be around this early in the day.

"What are you, a golden retriever? Go find a stick to fetch, it's too early for your mood swings," I snarked, rubbing my eyes free of the stinging coming from the bright light.

When my vision adjusted to the daytime, I noticed he was looking at me curiously with his head tilted. Was he trying to imitate a dog at this point or is it just coincidence?

"Are you just going to refer to me as different types of dogs from now on?" He asked. "First it was a pug, then a golden retriever-"

"Dear gods, you're as annoying as a chihuahua," I grumbled.

"See? Now you're calling me a chihuahua, which I really disagree with you on the annoying part, by the way."

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the lingering exhaustion. "What do you want, Black?"

He grinned. "I'm here to bring you to my garage to show you the progress made on your car. I think it's something you're going to want to see."

Ignoring what little amount of common sense I had, I found myself nodding in agreement to his offer. Besides, as soon as I get my car back, the sooner I can get myself over to Seattle to see what's actually going on. Even if it's not involving Percy, there's something really fishy going on and it's obvious to me the locals are worried.

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