* a shift in character *

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Thank you for all of your support, dearest readers! You all have helped me through some difficult times in life, and I cannot voice how much I greatly appreciate it! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

XOXO Ally Layne.


They were called the Cold Ones.

Blood drinkers.

Immortal predators.

To the rest of the world, they were known as Vampires.

Wolves, vampires, and demigods... oh my! It was like I had suddenly found myself in a strange-modern and mythical version of The Wizard of Oz. Gods, the next thing I know there are going to be wizards and witches running around, too.

Nevertheless, it looked like this town was going to get a lot stranger.

However, after the night by the fire, and my sudden understanding of just what was going on around me, I found myself holed up in my rental house for the past week. I've been ordering takeout nearly every day, and I swear the pizza guy knew something weird was going on from the number of times he's stopped by.

It wasn't that I was scared of the "pack" or whatever they call themselves... I just wasn't ready to confront them about it.

Because next thing they know, I will be revealing my own self and where I actually come from when they sniff out that I'm not exactly, you know, 100% human.

I suppose I haven't been too smart about keeping my secret, well, secret- but it's kinda hard. I find myself amidst monsters that don't actually try to hurt people or demigods, and they can't even tell that I'm a Halfblood.

It just seems so weird, I've been caught off guard.

Which, of course, has probably been what has led me to accidentally reveal some proof that I may or may not actually be human, but I hope no one noticed.

But a part of me knows that's like wishing for rain in a draught. Never gonna happen. Someone saw, and I have a good feeling that Billy Black knows exactly everything about me, somehow. It's just that all-knowing look in his eye that throws me for a loop, and I've barely even spoken to him.

I sighed, throwing myself back into the deep cushions of the sofa, and grabbed a pillow to place on top of my head with a groan.

Speaking of Billy Black... his son was absolutely something else.

I would have killed the dude a long time ago if he were a demigod or any other kind of monster for gods sakes.

So why does it hurt me so much to think of the guy dead?

Why does it hurt me to see him with that Swan girl?

It was this primal frustration and pain that would well up inside of me that I knew was sooner or later going to explode like Mount St. Helens. I just hope I didn't cause another volcano to erupt, or Annabeth was going to kick my ass.

A knocking on the door made me dig the pillow into my face even harder. Maybe if they don't hear me they'll think that I'm not here-

"Andie, I know you're in there!"


There goes that plan.

"What did we do?" Embry's voice called out from behind the door.

I just thanked the gods that none of them had tried to break into my house. I've been avoiding answering the door to the pack boys for days, now, and one day soon they were going to run out of patience.

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