Chapter 5 - Chunin Exams Part 1

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Y/n pov

When we said in our seats, the proctor introduced himself and explained the first exam.

"Hello my name is Ibiki Morino and I am the first proctor for these exams. There are many important rules to this first test, I'll write it on the board while I explain but questions will not be allowed, so listen carefully."

"The first rule: You guys will all start off with 10 points. The test is made up of 10 questions and watch one is worth a point but this test uses a subtraction system. Basically, if you answer all the questions correctly, you keep your 10 points but say if you miss three questions, you lose three points and will have 7. "

" The second Rule: This is a team test. Whether you pass or not will be determined by the combined score of your teammates, so watch team will compete to see how many points they can hold on to from the initial team total of 30."

"The third rule: Everyone that is caught cheating will have 2 points subtracted for every offense. When you are caught cheating 5 times, you'll be asked to leave."

"And the final rule: Those that lose all their initial points during the test and those that don't answer any questions correctly will be failed along with their 2 teammates. Now begin"

And with that everyone started. I already knew that this test was to see how capable we are at gathering information.

I just looked outside of the window for half an hour when suddenly a kunai was thrown at my desk. I took the kunai and without looking threw it back at the guy who threw it.

"I'm sorry miss but I caught cheating five times and am asking you to leave" he said. "No" I simply replied.


"No, because I haven't even written my name on my test" I said with a smirk.

After that, I just looked out of the window until five minutes before the end. Then I wrote so fast, it was hard to see that I even moved.

Then he talked about the tenth question but I just tuned out until Naruto shouted "Don't underestimate me!! I will not run!!! I'll take it!! Even if I'm a genin forever! I'll will myself to becoming Hokage anyway so I don't care!! I am not afraid!!"

After that nobody left and we passed. After a few more minutes a woman came in through the window.

"You Guys, this is no time to be celebrating. I am the Examiner for the second test. My name is Anko Mitarashi! Now let's go, follow me!"

"Anko you're early again" Ibiki said. "Oh really? Oop" then she counted how many of us were left.

"Ibiki you let so many pass?! Are you getting soft or something? You know what, doesn't matter. When I'm done with them there will be less than the half"

After that, we went to the Forrest of death and Anko talked about the second exam. Then Naruto mimicked her and she threw a kunai at him.

Then some weird woman gave Anko her kunai with her pretty long tongue. That woman reminded me pretty much of Uncle Oroshimaru.

Then we had to fill something out for in case that we die Anko won't be held responsible. After that everyone got a scroll and went to an entrance. I had a eath scroll. And with that, the second exam began.

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