03. Win-win

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The next day it was the same, my mom drived me to school, I went to all my classes and was anxious for the end of my classes because I'll have to walk home again.

The only difference was that I didn't eat lunch with the trio, I didn't saw them in the cafeteria, only a few times in the halls. But that's fine, I mean I wasn't expecting them to be near me everyday. I don't expect them or anyone else to be near me at all. Everyone leaves soon or later.

Even my best friend ever left me, Aiden. He was like a brother to me, and he still is, although he doesn't care about me anymore.

We used to play soccer all the time, watch our favorite soccer teams every weekend and we even spent mostly everyday together.

That all changed as soon as we entered high school. In freshman year he start getting popular, made a ton new friends and had a lot of girls in his dms. By sophomore year he didn't talked to me anymore, we didn't play or watch soccer together anymore, and we definitely didn't spend all day together anymore.

But I get it tho, he doesn't have time for me anymore, and I mean look at me, he probably was embarrassed his new friends will see him hanging out with me. I would be embarrassed too.

As I was walking through the scary neighborhood I kept thinking and thinking. Getting my mind distracted helped me from being all paranoid.

"The hell you doing here?" I hear a voice behind me, making me jump and turn around quickly to see who is it.

"Jordan? Hey!" My voice shaky, still scared it could have been a random person trying to kidnap me. But I'm glad to see his tall figure in front of me.

"Are you new here or just stupid enough to be in this dangerous streets all alone?" He says glaring at me. Well this is my only way home, what am I supposed to do.

"Well I'm kinda both tho, but I'm not new here, well actually I am, but it's different.. let's just say I'm stupid." I say trying to explain myself, which didn't worked at all. I'm new at this but not new here.

He doesn't says anything so I continue talking. "What do you mean dangerous? This place seems...nice. I mean look at that art in the walls, it looks cool doesn't it?" he just looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"And- and look at the destroyed wall, it allow us to see the sky better. Also, there's this nice smell, I can't figure it out. You see, it's not that bad." I say mostly trying to convince myself.

"That smell is weed." He says and my eyes widen. Of course it is, oh god what am I doing in this place.

"Oh. Well I'll stay away from that smell then." I say and he goes back to his blank expression.

"Stay away from here. It's dangerous for girls like you." The typical 'girls like you' making me somewhat mad, I know I'm a scaredy cat but don't underestimate me.

"Girls like me? Nothing happened to me yesterday, I will be ok today too." I say, again trying to reassure myself. I don't have another option.

Again he doesn't says anything, this time I just start walking away. It will get dark soon, I have no time to lose.

"The fuck are you going?" His mad voice stops me. I'm confused on what does he even wants.

"Um, I'm heading home?" I say confused on what he was expecting. "Look, thank you for warning me, but I gotta go." I start walking as I say that.

"I'll walk you home." My eyes widen at his response. Why would he even do that.

"You don't have to, I can manage myself." I say and he rolls his eyes.

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