37. Buzzcut

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HELLO, IM ALIVE! It's been a long ass time I'm so sorry for leaving you like this, I have been so busy with uni and life in general I didn't have any motivation to write, it suckssss. I felt so bad reading all your comments hoping I will update so I had to. Also, this story almost has 100k reads what the hell????  THANKS I LOVE YOU!!

P.S. "Katie" is Jordan's little cousin in case you don't remember and think it's a random girl hahah.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"What would you like?" Jordan asked me as we were in the Tim Horton's line. He was holding the hand of a small and really happy looking Katie, the sight warmed my heart and I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Oh...nothing, I'm fine, thank you!" I awkwardly replied, gaining an eye roll from the tall guy in front of me.

"Weren't you hungry?" He questioned with narrowed eyes, and for the first time ever I wished he didn't pay that much of attention to what I say. "Please choose all you want, I'm paying." He added as if that's supposed to make me feel better. I feel bad asking him to buy me something.

"You don't have to-"

"I want to, love." He interrupted me causing my cheeks to blush at his chose of words.

"Fine, I'll take a chocolate donut and a chocolate milkshake." I finally said and he smiled. If I knew he was going to smile like that to me I would have told him way sooner.

"What are you getting?" I asked him now.


I rolled my eyes at him this time and decided to not even argue.

When we reached the cashier Jordan was the one talking and I was silently grateful.

"We are getting two chocolate donuts, two chocolate milkshakes and one-" Jordan started ordering but stopped to look at Katie for a moment.

"Sorry, and two chocolate muffins, please." Jordan continued causing Katie to jump in excitement.

"Thanks Jordy!" Katie said as she hugged his leg.

"No problem, princess. Just don't tell your mom I bought you that much sugar." He said and she quickly shook her head.

We got our food and found a table, Jordan passed the two donuts and two milkshakes to me and I frowned at him.

"All yours." He replied to my silent question and I gasped.

"Are you insane? I can't eat all of this! Have a donut and a milkshake."

"Then you can take home the left overs, they are yours." He repeated calmly.

"Ok, as the fellow owner of this food I gift you a donut and a milkshake." I said as I moved the food to his side. "You can't give back gifts!" I threatened.

"As the new fellow owner of this food I-"

"No, end of discussion. Now eat." I interrupted him as he was trying to copy me.

"Yes ma'am." He obeyed and I was actually impressed he did.

Katie was too busy chugging down her muffins, soon later she asked Jordan to buy her a milkshake too and he did so. When he returned Katie finally joined our conversation.

"She is really pretty." Katie tried to whisper to Jordan but was too loud to call that a whisper. "And nice!" She added looking at me.

Jordan turned to look me as I awkwardly sat in front of them, he smiled as he nodded and said, "She really is." I was blushing so bad I was sure my face was turning purple now.

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