20. Squats

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"Just once?"

"No, you are going to hurt yourself."

"Come on Danny, I'm strong enough." Jordan looked at me in disbelief and I couldn't tell if it was because of the nickname I just gave him or because I continued with my -according to him- dumb idea.

"Danny?" He questioned to which I nodded.

Jor-dan, 'Dan' sounds boring so I added the 'y' to make it better.

"Cute nickname isn't it?" I said knowing damn well he probably hated it according to the look in this face.

"I hate it." He replied straightforward without any sign that he was joking. I knew it.

"You have a nickname for me, I wanted to give you one too."

The nickname isn't even bad he is just being a child, and this was the perfect opportunity to fulfill my dream of giving someone a special nickname that no one else has given to them. There's always been two obstacles for that: my lack of creativity and my lack of friends.

He seemed like he wasn't talking any time soon so I continued talking.

"Do you have a second name?"

"Kai." He simply said and I tried my best to keep a straight face as I remembered one of my favorite footballers is named like that.

"I love that name." I said honestly, a smile already showing on my face.

"I don't." I rolled my eyes at his lack of liking for anything in this world, I mean I can relate to some point but he is just an extreme case.

"Now can I carry you and try to do squats?" I said going back to the original thing we were debating.

He looked defeated at this point, he probably hoped I would forget after our new discussion, but surprise shawty, I didn't.

"Look, you can try it first with me and then we switch roles." I suggested as if that was something he wanted to do in the first place, which he definitely didn't.

"Let's just get over with this." He sighed before saying that sounding like a tired grandpa, but I wasn't going to point that out since I was too happy he finally agreed.

"Pro tip: it's better if I hang on you from the front instead of from the back." I said remembering a video I watched like 15 minutes ago.

"Why?" He questioned me.

"Physics." My intelectual response was probably too difficult for him to comprehend according to the frown in his face.

I don't know man it's just science.

He leaned down and extended his arms for me.

"Aw you look like a little kid wanting a hug." I said smiling to him.

"Bye." He was about to rearrange himself and probably leave but I was quicker and I put both of my arms around his neck and I rested my head in his shoulder.

"What do you mean 'bye'? Were you really gonna leave me here, alone, crying because you ruined my dream?" I said dramatically and even though I couldn't see his face I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Maybe." He said and I wanted to glare at him so badly but he wouldn't see it.

I was about to say never mind because I was feeling insecure with the thought of him carrying me, but he didn't waste any more time and lifted me up from the floor, grabbing my hanging legs with each of his hands. I was now being carried like a baby that had a nightmare.

Calm your tits Adira, no need to be nervous.

Wounds of My Heart Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang