35. Miserable Friend

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jordan is driving me home, we have been silent, just listening to music from the radio. Surprisingly, it's not an awkward silence after our weird conversation minutes before.

It's not too late, my parents probably aren't home yet.

A cellphone rings and I realize it's mine. I see 'Rommy' in my screen and I frown. Why is he calling? He never does.

I mean is Roman, I shouldn't be surprised.


My heart drops when I pick up and I hear him. Not only the fact he called me by my name is surprising, his voice is shaky and I can hear sobs.

"Roman? What happened? Are you ok?" I asked in a rush to know the answers.

"Are you alone?" He ignored my questions and asked me one himself.

"I'm with Jordan." I said looking a Jordan who looked beyond confused. "What's up? Where are you?"

"Pumpkin-" he started but he got interrupted by his own sobs.

"Rommy? send me your location, we will be there as soon as possible." I felt myself panicking at his lack of answers.

I don't know if Roman is the crying type or not, he is always enthusiastic in public, but still he can act different when he is alone. But him calling me crying is not something I thought I'll ever experience, something big must be going on.

"I'll text you my location, thank you Pumpkin." He managed to say before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Jordan asked as I just stared at my phone waiting for Roman to text me.

"Roman. We need to go with him, something is wrong." I said with panic in my voice. I got Roman's location and immediately told Jordan.

"What do you mean? I'm sure it's nothing, you know how he is." He said confidently.

"He was crying, I didn't even get to ask him if he was hurt." I covered my mouth as I thought of the worst possible scenarios.

"I'll leave you at your house and then I'll go check what's up with him." He said as he kept driving to my house.

"What? No, I'm going. I need to be there."

"It can be dangerous, Luna." He said softly and I appreciate he didn't immediately get mad when I opposed to what he said.

"He called me, I don't think he would have if it was dangerous, I really want to be there." I said looking at him for the first time since the call.

"As you wish, but if I notice something dangerous you will wait in the car, ok?" He said putting his hand on my thigh as he changes the route. "Text Blake please, and send him the location."

I did so and we eventually reached a park, it was starting to get dark outside so it was difficult to spot Roman under the dim lights.

"Roman?" I saw him in a bench still crying and immediately reached to hug him. "Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm ok." He said sniffing and pulling away from me, he looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong brother?" Jordan asked this time, but before anyone could say something else we heard loud steps coming our way.

Someone was running, towards us.

I relaxed when I saw it was Blake, he was out of breath when he reached us. "Roman? What happened?" He managed to say after a few seconds of taking deep breaths.

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