06. Frozen Peas

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A sudden loud noice wakes me up, but this time it's not my alarm. My heart aches immediately after understanding what was happening. My parents are fighting downstairs, and I feel tears forming in my eyes already.

I wish I could get used to it, I wish my anxiety wouldn't get this bad every single time.

The screams stopped and now I hear footsteps towards my room instead. I don't want them to see that they wake me up and I'm crying, I gotta play dumb again.

I hear someone entering my room and I pretend to be asleep. When I hear them leaving my room I wait a couple seconds before opening my eyes.

I'm so sick of this.

I waited till my alarm sounded to pretend I was actually still sleeping and I woke up with my alarm.

What a way to start the day.

After showering and dressing up I was ready to go to school, but I wasn't ready to face them. Yes, I'm playing dumb, but I'm just scared they won't play dumb and that something is actually wrong.

After mentally preparing myself for about 5 minutes I decided to go downstairs. I noticed my dad has left already.

"Hey mum." I say greeting my mom with a fake smile in my face. My mom deserves the world, I wish I could give it to her.

"Hey baby, are you ready?" My mom says smiling back, it's probably a fake smile too.

"Yes I am."

We get in the car and I hate the awkward silence so I turn up the radio.

"I love this song." I say as I put a song I've listened before but I don't actually love, I just want to say something to fill the silence.

The only reason why I like being at school it's because I gotta be out of my house and I can get distracted with other things.

It is finally time for my gym class and I start feeling excited and anxious, as always. Gym classes make me nervous because there is a bigger chance of making a fool of yourself.

After we all changed to our gym clothes the teacher told us we are playing soccer today, we will have 4 teams of 7 people each. Aiden and I are in the same team with other classmates I don't even know.

"Everyone got it?" A guy in my team said after we decided in what position we were each playing.

"What if I don't know how to play?" Another boy says and everyone else laughs at his reply, I can't help it but feel bad for him. Why are they even laughing, not everyone knows how to play.

"Don't worry, just kick the ball in that direction." I say pointing to where the opponent team is, hoping I could help a bit.

The match started and Aiden and I are carrying the team. We still have that connection, even if years has gone by.

Someone from the other team managed to take the ball away from me and I move closer to him to get the ball again, but a sudden strong punch in the face makes me fall backwards.

It takes me a few seconds to understand what the heck just happened when my face hurted and I realized I was hitted with the ball. I can hear some people laughing, some whispers, but no one reached to see if I was okay except for Aiden.

After a few seconds I realized even tears where falling from my eyes, this whole thing was so embarrassing already and I really thought It was a great idea to cry. Literally kill me already.

Aiden helped me to stand up and everyone just looked at me. The guy that accidentally hitted me didn't even apologize, I mean it was accidentally but if I would have accidentally hitted someone I would feel horrible and say I'm sorry every 3 seconds, but not everyone thinks the same way.

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