19. Room 534

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"Who will take care of the key?" Roman said pointing at the room key that rested in Blake's hand, which was given to us a few minutes ago by the teachers that did the check in.

I would offer myself but I don't think I can deal with the anxiety that comes with that responsibility. Roman is a bit of a careless guy, so I don't think he would be our best option, and we could all agree, even him.

Jordan or Blake would do a good job.

"For our own sake, I'll do it." Blake said shoving the key in his pants bag, almost as if he was reading my mind. Or he just knew we weren't as responsible as him.

I muttered a small 'thanks' to him as the teacher instructed us to go to our rooms and rest for a while before we start with our activities planned for the day.

Considering the school payed for all of this, seeing the nice and decorated lobby I think the hotel is ok, it isn't that big since it has just 6 floors.

"This way." Roman confidently instructed going to the right when the elevator left us in the 5th floor. The room number 534 being the first one on sight as the elevator doors opened.

"It's this way dumbass, look how the numbers keep growing to the right." Blake said while Roman looked at him as if he was the stupidest person ever.

"What do you mean the numbers are growing? What are they, babies?" Roman questioned looking at the numbers. "Wow number 534, you are such a grownup now, say hi to auntie 634 for me, please." He literally waved and greeted it. A freaking number.

"You know what I fucking mean Roman." Blake interrupted the moment Roman and number 534 were sharing with an incredulous tone.

"You are still wrong tho, the numbers are growing to the right so room number 570 should be this way." Roman said saying the word 'growing' in a slow manner.

"Huh? I thought our room was number 510." Jordan intervened looking confused and mainly tired.

"That's because it is." Blake looked at Roman with accusation in his eyes. Being honest, I had no idea of what was the number, I forgot seconds after they told me, so I couldn't take any sides.

"Let me check that shit." Roman said gesturing for the keys with his hand.

Once Blake took them out I was able to see it was indeed a 510, and I think Roman realized to because of how his face shifted.

"Why won't they put the lil line below the one? This looks like a freaking seven." He handed back the key, looking somehow defeated.

"It's clearly a one, maybe you just need glasses." As soon as these words left Jordan's mouth Roman seemed about to go off, but the sound of a door opening in front of us startled the four of us.

"Can I help you?" An old lady asked from her room door, we soon realized it was room 534.

"We are just looking for our room, sorry for the noise Miss." I said politely before one of them could say something stupid that would kick us out of the hotel within 10 minutes of arriving here.

She didn't said anything and just closed the door. Damn ok.

"The other guests here are grumpier than Jordan, noted." Roman said actually writing something in a little notebook.

"Where did you even got that from?" This time I asked him.

"This is my planner notebook, I gotta write everything I need to remember through the trip, I tend to forget things you know?" He closed the notebook and put it inside his jacket pocket. "I also brought it in case I got bored in the way here and I wanted to draw random things, but it's better to sound like an intelectual."

Now that sounds more like Roman.

When we actually arrived to our room I took in its appearance, at the left of the entrance there was a dark green sofa with a small wood table besides it, walking more into the room we could see two double beds with another small wood table between them and a tv in front of them.

What actually caught my eye was the balcony, it's always the best part of hotel rooms, besides the bathroom of course.

"Well shit." Blake said looking at the two other boys, specially Jordan, while I was focused in getting closer to the balcony, unaware of the worry in their faces.

Roman seemed to be just as oblivious since the first thing he did was take his shoes off and stand in the bed.

"Join me Pumpkin!" He caught my attention as he started jumping in the bed.

I took a second to think about it. Was his offer kinda stupid? yes. Did I want to have fun for once without really caring? yes. Jumping a bit on a bed was harmless, maybe a bit childish but it seemed fun, so why the fuck not.

I took my shoes off and then turned to see Jordan and Blake watching me, waiting for my next move. I don't think they were judging me, they were probably judging Roman tho, but not me, they just seemed curious if I would do it.

And I did it. Roman helped me to get in the bed and soon after we started jumping like little kids while Jordan and Blake looked like two tired parents.

Roman got closer to me while jumping, making me lose my balance but Roman grabbed my hands soon enough before I actually fell. After a bit we stopped, I was feeling completely out of breath as if I had just ran a marathon.

"Alright that's enough." Jordan said at the same time he grabbed my waist from behind with both of his hands and lift me off the bed.

I soon was standing besides him and I just looked up at him with a small smile which he didn't returned. The adrenaline still rushing through me didn't allow me to overthink about it and instead I just ignored it.

"Ok, time to discuss the actual important matter, the beds." Blake said sounding all serious making me frown a bit since they were making it seem like a big deal.

"Oh don't worry about that man, they are definitely resistant." Roman confidently said with a thumbs up.

Blake just decided to ignore him this time and go on with what he was talking about. "There's two double beds and a sofa, how will we sleep?"

"Well easy, it's obvious none of us three fit in the sofa and Pumpkin will not be sleeping there, so we just have to choose our sleeping partner." Roman suggested and to our surprise it made sense.

"Oh I can take the sofa, I don't mind." I replied since I actually didn't mind, I mean it seemed comfortable.

"No, I'll take the sofa, you two will sleep on the fucked up bed," he said looking at Roman and Blake while pointing at the bed we just jumped on. "Adira can take the other bed." He continued looking at me this time, his jaw was clenched as if something was bothering him.

"Jordan you literally don't fit on the sofa, just let me sleep on the sofa or we can both sleep on the bed, I don't have a problem with that." I suggested although I was shitting my pants at the thought of sleeping next to him.

Maybe he was mad because he didn't want to sleep next to me, so I was about to say that I can sleep next to one of the other boys if he wanted, but he spoke first.

"Are you sure you are ok with that? I can just sleep on the floor if I don't fit on the fucking sofa." Jordan questioned to which I nodded, I could never let someone just sleep on the floor for my own comfort when there's literally space for him.

"Of course you aren't sleeping on the floor, the bed is big enough for both of us and if you want your own space we can create a wall of pillows." I reassured him with a small smile, his jaw seemed to relax and this time he actually gave me a small, really small, smile.

"The wall of pillows is a great idea, we'll do it too." Roman said going to the closet where there was additional pillows. "There's just two pillows, one for each bed. It'll be a small wall I guess." He added putting the pillows in each bed.

"That's ok." I told him. I think that having something, anything, between us would calm me a bit.

I don't think I'll get any sleep these days.

Hope you enjoyed! Take care <3

Published: January 11th 2022

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