31. First Kiss

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Today it's been 3 days since I last saw Jordan, I don't know what he is up to or why he hasn't attended school, but I'm not overthinking this time, I know it has nothing to do with me.

I texted him yesterday to make sure he was ok and he just replied with "I'm ok Luna, just busy, please don't worry." He didn't reply again after that.

Tonight is the party and I would be lying if I said I wasn't shitting my pants. I need at least a week to mentally prepare for something like this.

Also, how am I supposed to choose an outfit from one day to another?

I'm just glad I saved myself the whole asking-for-permission part, even though I probably would have just told Jess my parents didn't let me without even asking them.

I have no idea who is attending, but I told Roman about it at school and he said he will bring Jordan and Blake too. Well, he will try to. Hopefully the three of them will be there, that would help my anxiety ease a lot.

Tonight I'm wearing black high waisted leather pants with a black long sleeve crop top and my pair of black boots. All-black outfits can't go wrong.

My dad drives me to Jess' house as he promised and I feel my stomach turning as we get closer. My dad listing all the things that could go wrong and I should be careful about isn't helping either.

He doesn't seem to be a big fan of me attending this, can't blame him cause same.

We finally get there and there are more people than I expected. Outside of the house some people are just chilling, some doing more than chilling with no shame, and some already drunk.

"Stay away from that kind of people." My dad says pointing to a boy laying on the grass before I get out.

Did my dad think this was a tea party or what?

"Sure." I reply to him but I'm actually sarcastic, how am I supposed to stay away from that kind of people in this kind of party.

The people outside look at me as I reach the door and I just try walking faster to stop this torture, not daring to look at them.

I knock on the door and Jess opens the door meeting me with a bright smile. "Hello Adi!" She hugs me tightly and I just hug her back.

She leads me to her friend group and I immediately see Jake and Aiden. I'm not even affected because I knew they would be here.

"Take a drink!" Jess says enthusiastically handing me a shot. I shake my head and say, "I'm good, thanks."

Alcohol tastes like shit tho.

"Just one! Everyone has done it." She says and suddenly everyone on the group starts cheering on me.

"I don't drink."

"You are so boring! Please do it." She complains and that gets to me. I know I'm boring, but only I can say that.


"Fine." I grab it and take a solo gulp.

My throat burns like a motherfucker and I uncontrollably cough. Horrible idea.

They all start cheering and even laughing. As soon as I got myself together and stopped coughing, I left to the kitchen to find some water. I did and my throat felt better.

I suck at this.

That's when I spotted Jordan entering the house along with Roman and Blake. They spotted me too since Roman waved at me as the three of them walked toward me.

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