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Angelina sat waiting. She was poised, alert, conscious of her surroundings but not afraid, not yet, anyway.

Hands in her lap, her eyes scanned the room, flying to the door every time the bell above it chimed and one more person entered the building.

Her white dress fell just above her knee, her olive skin showing only on her bare legs and chest, a blush shawl covering her shoulders, her thick black hair curling down her back.

She checked the clock on the wall behind the bar. He was late.

Angelina shifted in her seat, feeling the glare of the other men in the establishment. Her sleek eyes glanced to the side as a gentleman approached the bar a few meters away from where she was sitting.

He leaned on the bar, his arms folded. The air was hot outside and even hotter inside, yet the gentleman wore a shirt and waistcoat with a small, gold pocket watch on show, he's shoes freshly polished and his hair recently combed.

"And what might your name be?"

Angelina didn't respond. She felt her skin blush slightly when she realised she had in fact been looking at the stranger for longer than she should have.

She turned her head, adjusting her posture, her head up high looking towards the clock once again.

"Not much of a talker, no?"

He chuckled to himself quietly and Angelina felt his eyes shift from her back towards the bartender. He raised a hand and the barman came running.

"A whisky for the lady."

She became tense once again, turning her head to see that the gentleman was now looking at her, their eyes meeting for the first time.

His eyes reminded her of the ocean, the deepest blue she'd ever seen. His face was worn, weathered, his jaw strong and his shoulders broad. A smile on his lips, though, one that did not put her at ease.

"I don't drink," She said, shaking her head.

"You don't drink?" He raised an eyebrow, his interest perking in the woman at the bar who most definitely did not look like she was from Small Heath, "Then what on Earth are you doing spending your time in the pub?"

"I'm waiting for someone."

She turned her head away from him, fixing her gaze on the bottles of whisky lined up on glass shelves behind the bar.

"Someone. A boyfriend, perhaps?"


Both of their attention was turned to the door when the bell chimed, a group of men came wandering in, greeting those sat enjoying their drinks.

The gentleman by Angelina's side stood up, picking up his drink and his blazer that was draped over the edge of the bar.

"Albert," He said, catching the attention of the bartender, "Pour another whiskey when whoever the lady's waiting for arrives."

Angelina said nothing once again, only looking at the stranger who did not turn his gaze to her again, instead, followed the men who had just arrived into a small room behind closed doors next to the side of the bar.

The atmosphere seemed to disappear once they had left the room, a low hum of conversation was all that could be heard.

She sat and waited a while longer, contemplating taking a sip of the whisky that was still sat before her in a short glass.

She did not drink it.

Eventually, she was no longer alone.

The bell chimed once more and the tall, dark, Italian man sauntered into the pub, his jacket slung over his shoulder and his hair slicked back with a single strand hanging down across his forehead.

"Lorenzo," Angelina gasped with a happy smile, sliding off her bar stool and embracing the new arrival.

"Angelina," He responded, placing a kiss upon each cheek, "How was your trip?"

"Long." She sighed, Lorenzo pulling up a stool beside her.

"Your things? Where are they?"

"I left them in the hotel room like you said."

Lorenzo smiled. Seeing his little sister made him happy, it had been a long time since the family had been all together, Angelina was the last to arrive from Rome.

It had been a difficult few years for the family. Their father had travelled across to England for work, leaving his wife and children in Italy. Once the boys were old enough, their father called them across to work with him. Only, he didn't disclose what the work was.

The boys refused to tell Angelina or their mother what kind of business they were involved in, they thought the less they knew the better.

Their father had passed away in the last year, their mother passing not long after learning about the loss of her husband. Once Angelina had sorted her mother's funeral, she packed up her things and travelled to England to be with her brothers.

"How is Stefano?"

"He's well," Lorenzo answered her question about his twin brother, "He can't wait to see you, you need to meet everybody too. We're having a gathering tonight, you'll come, yes?"

"Of course." Angelina smiled, a small weight lifting off her shoulders.

The loss of her parents had hit her hard, and dealing with her mother's funeral alone had made things a million times harder for the 23 year old.

Yet being back with her older brother gave her a sense of security she had been missing for a long time. She hoped things would work out for her and her brothers in Birmingham, even if it was very different to Rome.

"Apologies Sir, forgot to pour you this one."

The bartender slid across a glass of whiskey identical to Angelina's in front of Lorenzo, who stood looking confused.

"I did not order?" He said, pushing the drink away.

"Complements of Mr Shelby, Sir."

"Of who?"

Lorenzo turned his back on his sister, his eyes scanning the pub furiously, yet he held a calm expression on his face.

"Who were you talking to, Lina?" Lorenzo pried, his voice so quiet it was practically a whisper.

Angelina didn't answer. She didn't know who she was talking to, let alone his name. She parted her lips to try and explain, only the doors to the small room opened and the men spilled out, some of them leaving, three of them turning to stair and Angelina and Lorenzo.

The gentleman who'd bought Angelina the whiskey was the one to speak.

"What the fuck are you doing in my pub?"

new story!! Not sure if anybody watches Peaky Blinders but I am a HUGE fan and like most people I am head over heels in love with all 3 Shelby brothers so I couldn't resist writing a book including them!

Please let me know what you think, I'd love to know any thoughts :)


The Sun Will Rise | T ShelbyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz