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It was just past 9 am when the door to Agnes' house swung open. A young lady walked in without knocking, placing her bag down on the table and shrugging off her coat, hanging it up by the front door.

"Oh..." Agnes looked startled, like she wasn't prepared for the visitor, "I'm sorry Ada, I'd totally forgotten you were starting with us today."

Angelina assumed that this was the new girl that was going to be working alongside Agnes and herself.

She was petite, pretty, with again, Snow White skin. Though she came in wearing four inch heels which put a smile on Angelina's face. Perhaps they would get on.

"Angelina, this is Ada. She's going to be working with us from now on since we're getting a little more busy."

Ada stuck her hand out to Angelina who politely shook it, the two girls smiling at each other. Though Ada's smile soon faded to her furrowing her brows.

"Angelina? As in Santoro?"


Ada laughed, sitting down beside Angelina.

"You're the girl that's been fucking my brothers!"


"Sorry," Ada grinned, setting up some material, "Ada Shelby is my name. Maybe that'll jog your memory?"

Angelina blushed and looked down. She didn't even know that the Shelby brothers had a sister, and now they were working together.

"Oh don't worry, love. I don't care. You could fuck all of them for what it's worth, you're already halfway through from what I've heard."

Angelina shook her head.

"No, just Arthur." She said quietly, continuing to sew. Agnes stayed quiet.

"Oh," Ada pulled a surprised face, "I must've got the wrong end of the stick when I spoke to Thomas. Anyway, you don't have to worry about any of that with me. I stay out of their way, the less I know the better."

Ada loved to talk. For the next two hours Angelina wasn't sure whether her mouth had closed once. Story after story came out from between Ada's lips, a lot of which were interesting.

She and Agnes learned that Ada had a young son and was without her husband. It was sad, but Ada didn't seem like the type of woman to let things get to her.

The day passed quickly and that evening, Angelina declined the offer to stay at Agnes' to have dinner. Instead, she and Ada took a walk home together after discovering they didn't live too far apart.

They said goodbye to Agnes and stepped out into the cold. Although it was Spring, the breeze bit at Angelina's skin as she and Ada walked through the streets, avoiding puddles of rain water that had fallen earlier that day.

"We could stop for a quick drink if you like? I wouldn't mind a rum." Ada asked.

"It's like you read my mind."


Both women turned their heads to see Jude approaching them, exiting the doors to the Marquis. He was covered in dirt but still had a smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you in a while. I've been hoping to run into you."

Ada turned to Angelina, a knowing look and a smirk upon her lips. Lina rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, Jude. Things have been busy."

"Yeah, it's alright," he pulled off his cap and ran a hand through his hair, desperately trying to fix it in front of the women, "Anyway, I wondered if you'd like to join me for a drink? Just the two of us, if you'll pardon me."

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