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It didn't take long for Alfie to ask Angelina to be his girlfriend. The two had been almost inseparable since Alfie made the first visit up to Birmingham to see her. Angelina knew he was a very busy man, but what made her happy was that he made time for her, instead of coming up with excuses as to why he couldn't see her.

He was everything and more Angelina could ever have wished for. The only problem was that Alfie was down in London and she was up in Small Heath.

Nights were lonely for Angelina. She had become attached to waking up beside Alfie and seeing him gazing at her as soon as she opened her eyes. He was in awe of her, and she was equally as in awe of him.

At first, Lorenzo didn't approve of the relationship. He was wary for his sister's safety and found it difficult to trust anybody after what happened to Stefano, but his concerns were put to rest when Alfie took Lorenzo out for the day. Angelina didn't know where they went or what they did, but when they returned, they were the best of friends. That was good enough for Angelina.

Angelina hadn't seen or spoken to any of the Shelby's, apart from Ada when they were working together. This never seemed to be a problem, though, as Ada didn't tend to talk too much about her family.

"So, is it true? You and Alfie Solomons?"

Angelina blushed when Ada fired the question at her as soon as she arrived at work.

"Yes," she replied, trying to hide her smile, "It's true."

Ada let out an excited scream and hugged her friend.

"You'll be pregnant before you know it! Maybe our Karl would have a little friend to play with then!"

Angelina laughed, shaking her head, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Ada."

Ada, Agnes and Angelina spent the day working and chatting amongst themselves. Charlotte had even arrived towards the end of the afternoon so she could walk with the girls to the pub after they had finished work.

It seemed for Angelina like her life was finally settling down. Things had been very up in the air when she first arrived in Small Heath, and from the minute she stepped foot in England nothing had been straight forward, but now, she finally felt like she was on the right path.

The three girls said goodbye to Agnes at around five in the afternoon and headed for The Garrison. It wasn't Angelina or Charlotte's first choice, but Ada had insisted that they have a change from The Marquis.

The women ordered their drinks and sat down together at a table, conversation still flowing between them all as they tried to catch one another up on their latest gossip.

"How hard is it to get a bloody drink in this place? What kind of establishment are you running here Arthur?"

Angelina's head snapped up as soon as she heard him speak. A smile was instantly plastered across her face as her eyes landed on Alfie, who was stood leaning against the bar with his hat in his hands and a smirk on his lips.

Without hesitating, Angelina put down her drink and ran past the empty tables to Alfie, closing her eyes as she felt his arms embrace her, holding her tightly against his chest.

"I've missed you so much, darling."

Angelina looked up into Alfie's eyes, her emotions overwhelming her suddenly. She grabbed his face and kissed him hard, feeling him smile as she did so.

"I miss you every second of every day I'm not with you."

Alfie just smiled, shaking his head before kissing Angelina again.

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