twenty six

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"Can I hold him?"

"Of course you can."

Arthur smiled proudly as he handed his newborn son over to Angelina. She had made an effort to pay a visit to Arthur and his baby after his wife had given birth just over a week ago, though his wife wasn't home when Angelina arrived.

"He's gorgeous, Arthur. He looks just like you."

Arthur laughed and sat down beside Angelina. A long time ago he would've imagined this scenario for the three of them together, but time had healed and he was happy with his little family now.

"I wanted to ask you something, if I may?"

Angelina gently rocked the baby, gazing at him as he slept soundly in his arms.


Arthur swallowed and licked his lips, shuffling in his seat and clasping his hands together before he spoke.

"Well," he began, hesitating slightly, "I wanted to know if you'd be Jack's godmother? I've already asked John and Esme, but I hoped you'd like to be his god parent too, you and, and Tom?"

Angelina looked up at Arthur with a small smile. Arthur was hesitant to add the last part about coupling her with his brother. Truthfully, he had no idea what was going on between Thomas and Angelina, but what he did know was that Tommy had changed since the death of Alfie.

Thomas had been working harder and socialising less. Arthur knew he was spending his time with Angelina when he could, but before Angelina was ready to see him, all Tommy would do was sit in his office all day and night, working.

He rarely joined the rest of the family for drinks and was actively avoiding Polly, who wasn't keen on how much time he'd been spending with Angelina.

Though one positive was that whenever Arthur did catch Tommy alone, he was smiling. His brother, who's face was more often than not miserable, was now the complete opposite.

Arthur knew his brother was in love with Angelina, and he also knew that Angelina was in love with him. He'd seen the looks they'd exchange with each other and the lengths Thomas would go to to protect her and defend her name, even if she wasn't around. But he also knew that Angelina was still grieving the loss another man.

He felt for his brother, understanding how difficult it must be for him to watch her cry over somebody else. He hoped it would get easier soon, for both their sakes.

"Oh Arthur," Angelina smiled widely, "I'd absolutely love to.

Arthur grinned and thanked her. They spoke some more, laughing over old memories together. He was happy to see her smiling, the image of her sobbing over Alfie's body was still raw in his mind and made his stomach turn. He and his brothers hated seeing her upset.

A knock at the door made Jack stir. Arthur jumped up to answer it while Angelina tried to calm him down by walking around the room and gently swaying him.

"Sorry to bother you Arthur but- oh, hello Angelina."

Thomas' cheeks flushed crimson when he walked past Arthur to see Angelina holding his nephew, singing to him in a soft whisper.

"Thomas." She smiled and nodded at him.

"What can I do for you, brother?"

Tommy shook his head and pulled off his cap, hanging it up on a hook by the door along with his coat. He took the liberty of pouring three glasses of whiskey for them all.

"It's not important, it can be sorted next week."

Arthur shrugged his shoulders sat down on the sofa.

"Good thing you stopped by, I've been wanting to ask you something Tom."

"Ask away."

Tommy threw himself down beside his brother and slapped his hands on his knees, a rare smile on his face.

"Well Tom, how would you feel about being our Jack's god father?"

Tommy laughed quietly and nodded his head.

"Of course, of course I'll be his god father."

The brothers hugged and Angelina stood watching, her heart warming at the sight. The two of them rarely showed each other any affection like that, it was nice for her to see a different side to them.

"I've already spoken to John and Esme and they said yes, so he'll have four, with you and Angelina included."

Tommy's head snapped up to look at Angelina. She was too busy to notice, her eyes looking down at the baby as she rocked him by the fireplace. Thomas smiled to himself.

Arthur watched the way his brother admired Angelina. He was happy in the knowledge that even if it wasn't Alfie that was going to love her, Thomas would do a good job instead.

"Would you mind watching him for a bit? I've just got to nip out, I won't be long."

"Not at all." Angelina smiled.

Arthur thanked them both and grabbed his coat, cap and gun before heading out the door, leaving Angelina and Tommy alone.

Thomas sat without saying a word for a while, watching Angelina cradle the baby while he drank his whiskey.

"You're good with him."

Angelina smiled and walked over to Thomas, sitting down gently beside him, careful not to wake Jack after she'd managed to send him back to sleep.

"I love children," she said softly, "I can't wait to someday have my own."

Tommy shuffled closer to Angelina, placing an arm across her shoulders as he peered down at his nephew.

He chuckled.

"He looks angry when he sleeps, no doubt that he's Arthur's boy."

Angelina laughed lightly, her eyes flickering up to meet Tommy's. A month had passed since they'd spent the afternoon at the stables together, but Angelina had still found herself struggling to move on, despite her feelings growing for Thomas more every day.

They spent almost all their time together, Angelina couldn't go a day without seeing him and Thomas had gotten used to his routine of making sure he was at the Santoro household every day before Angelina would wake up so he'd be there to comfort her if she needed him.

Angelina had found herself falling in love again. It scared her, and a huge part of her felt incredibly guilty for having these feelings, but she couldn't stop herself. Thomas made her smile, he made her feel alive when she was at her lowest, and he never once abandoned her since he made his promise to Alfie.

Tommy looked at her, inhaling deeply as he thought that one day, it would be his child she'd be holding. He so desperately wanted that to be his future.

"Thomas," Angelina whispered, placing her spare hand on the side of his face, "I think I'm ready."

He said nothing, only followed the urge he felt in his heart to kiss Angelina in a way that he'd never kissed a woman before. He kissed her in such a way that he was telling her he loved her without having to speak a single word. He kissed her to tell her he was never going to leave her, to tell her that he was all for her, and he would never stop loving her.

Angelina melted into the kiss, feeling Thomas' hand squeeze her waist, pulling her in tighter. She had expected to feel sick, to feel riddled with guilt and anxiety, but she didn't.

As she pulled away and looked into Tommy's eyes, she saw for the first time what Thomas Shelby being in love looked like.

"I was wrong," he said in a breathless whisper, "What I said a long time ago, I was wrong. Thomas Shelby does change, but he only changes for you."

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