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The drive home was silent. Cameron sat in the front seat, next to his mom and Ryan sat in the back. Cameron couldn't help but look in the rearview mirror every now and then. Sometimes Ryan was looking out the window, touching his forehead against the glass, but a few times their eyes met, before they both looked away. Strange how Cameron knew they were on the same wavelength, thinking his mom had finally figured out that they were...whatever they were. Not together but...something. It was still something. Cameron watched the neighborhood flow by, counting light posts and fire hydrants, a thing he used to do on car rides with his mom when he was little kid. It was soothing. He needed soothing right now. Because of what happened with Jason. Because of what was still happening with Ryan. The something....that he had thought was over, didn't seem to be over. Maybe.

But maybe not. Right now, Cameron felt so mixed up, confused. He was exhausted. Life had sure gotten hard really fast.

Coming inside, Cameron felt so odd. He hadn't been home for quite some time. The house felt weirdly sterile. Maybe he was just used to the way Leah brought a certain sunshine to the house. He'd never realized how cold it was without her. Then he mentally smacked himself. He should just turn on the heater. And the lights. The last thing he needed was to start looking for unhappiness where it really wasn't. He had enough on his plate as it was.

"Give me a second, boys. I need to use the facilities." His mom said quietly and went upstairs. "Then we need to sit down and talk."

Cameron nodded and wandered into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator as Ryan sat down on the couch, his hands behind his head, looking at the ceiling. "Why is there nothing in here?" Cameron mused out loud. The only thing in the fridge was some leftover Chinese food, mustard, and some water bottles.

"Look in the freezer." Ryan said, still looking up.

Awwww, all my old friends, thought Cameron. Frozen pizzas, frozen TV dinners, frozen vegetables. When Leah and Ryan had moved in, Cameron felt obligated to make sure the little girl got decent food, like he'd never really had growing up. He was sad to see that once he left, his mom had reverted to what she was comfortable with.

He went to the cupboard and took out three mugs, nuked some hot water and put three tea bags in them. At least his box of lemon chamomile was still there. Ryan was quietly behind him. Cameron could feel him before he even saw him. Ryan took two of the mugs to the living room, setting them on the battered coffee table. No coasters in this house, Cameron mused, thinking of the care and precision with which Mike kept his furnishings. Not that he, Cameron, cared about it. Sometimes the other house felt a little fussy for his own taste.

Sitting down in the recliner, rips covered with silver duct tape, he held the warm mug in his hands, drawing the heat from it and trying to calm his nerves. It didn't help that Ryan was looking at him, causing his arms to break out in goosebumps.

"How's Miranda?" Cameron spat the words out bitterly. He couldn't help it. Ryan seemed to be trying to rekindle something, but Cameron was very very suspicious of this about face.

"Cameron. I don't want to talk about her. I want to talk about us." Ryan said evenly.

"Talking about us necessitates talking about her, thanks to you." Cameron seethed quietly. "But I think it's going to have to wait." His mom came down the stairs, in her pajamas and bathrobe.

"Tea? Thanks, Cameron." She sat down cross legged on the floor, leaning her elbows on the coffee table. "Though I wish it was something a little more potent."

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