Double Date

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Double Date

Cameron pulled Diego outside. Chris turned to Ryan who stood in the living room angry and frustrated.

"Not a good move." Chris said, shaking his head.

"Oh man, don't I know it." Ryan muttered.

"Fix it. Don't let it snowball. Go talk to him."

"But Miranda's here."

Chris put his hands through his hair, checking himself out in the mirror by the door. "If you don't put Cameron first, then you better get ready to kiss him goodbye. Being with Diego is no joke. He comes across like a sleazy dick sometimes, but he's actually an amazing boyfriend....most of the time. It's natural for Cameron to compare, and Diego is comfortable with his sexuality. You best be on your toes." Chris patted him on the shoulder.

They went outside together. Miranda stood talking to Cameron, while Diego hugged him from behind, expertly playing the part of the fake boyfriend. Another girl was there too. Ryan recognized her from all those meetings with Miranda. She was tall, with the lightest blonde hair he'd ever seen, always in two braids that hung all the way down her back. But Ryan's eyes were mostly for his boy, who looked at him and then looked away when he approached.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey Ryan," Miranda sang, "Hope you don't mind but I brought Amanda with me. She was begging to have a quality Christmas moment. Hi!" She turned to Chris. "Perfect! You guys brought a friend too! Great minds! You're Chris, right? Before I forget, make sure you email me your proposal for Pride spirit day this year! We got money money money to pass your way!" She grabbed Ryan's hand and smiled up at him.

"Thanks!" Chris said. "I've been meaning to get to that. I'll do it before the break is over, if that's ok." He turned to Amanda. "Hi, looks like we're both third wheels to these lovebirds," He gestured to the couples. "I'm gay though, so don't get any ideas!" He waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Friendzoned before I even tried!' said Amanda with a giggle. "No worries. I have a boyfriend. He lives in Canada."

"Oh." Chris nodded politely. "So Cameron, Ryan says you forgot something in the house."

"Hmmmm," Cameron fiddled with Diego's hand, bringing it to his cheek. Diego stuck out his tongue at Ryan. Cameron glanced at Ryan, bored. "What did I forget?"

Ryan shot Chris a grateful look. "It's important. Come on." He snatched Cameron's hand from Diego and pulled him back into the house, Cameron dragging his feet.

'Hurry back, baby!" Diego called.

Ryan closed the door behind them. Cameron stood in the living room, his arms across his chest.

"So....what did I forget?" He was still pissed.

Ryan approached him cautiously, the way a person approaches a ticking time bomb, and wrapped him in his arms, Cameron's head to his chest.

"Did you forget you have a boyfriend who loves you?" He kissed Cameron's soft hair.

"Grrrrrrrr, I think you're the one who forgot that fact." Cameron's voice was quiet, anger melted away. He brought his hands up, and slowly put them around Ryan's back, holding him closer. He pushed his cheek into Ryan's jacket, feeling the rough material on his skin. He sighed. This is why it was ok when Ryan lapsed into jackassery. He DID know Ryan loved him. Cameron was the one who knew best that Ryan was still figuring out his identity. He knew he shouldn't be offended when his internalized homophobia reared its ugly head. Not to take it personally. But it wasn't always easy.

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