The Sleepover (Part 1)

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It was Saturday. Cameron slept in until 11 oclock. When he woke up, he lay in bed staring at the ceiling. His stomach was in knots. Groaning, he pulled his pillow over his head.

"What's with you?"

Cameron peeked out and saw Ryan gaming on his bed. Still in his pajamas. His hair sticking out every which way. No headphones. His mayhem was on mute so as not to disturb Mr. Sleeping Beauty.

"I didn't think you were going to get up today. I think Jess took Leah to school." Ryan grabbed his cell phone. "Yeah. She says they'll be back around 2:00. They're going to grab some lunch and if you need anything for tonight, she'll pick it up from the store."

Everyone was coming over at five o'clock.

Cameron squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his hands on his face. "I can't believe I'm doing this."


"What?" Cameron sat up, wrapping his blankets tightly around him.

"We're doing this. I invited Nate over. That's what started this nightmare." Ryan chucked his controller to the foot of his bed and wrapped his blankets around himself, mirroring Cameron.

"Just think. In a few hours, this house will have three babies, and four teenage boys, and one overworked mom. All. Night. Long." Ryan threw his pillow at Cameron. "What were you thinking?"

"I didn't want to be rude!!! I didn't know what to say." Cameron fake sneezed on Ryan's pillow and put it under his bottom.

"You say no, that's what you say. You say, oh sorry, but my mom says only one person at a time."

"It's so hard to say no. It sounds so mean."

Ryan leaned forward, inching towards Cameron's bed. "What if I said to you, give me your pillow so I can wipe my butt with it."

"No!" Cameron gigled, pulling his pillow behind him.

"What if I say, give me back my pillow before you get butt cooties all over it?" Ryan jumped on the other bed, grabbing for his pillow.

"NO!" Cameron yelled, pushing and shoving Ryan, who grabbed and pulled his pillow.

Several seconds of heated wrestling led to sweaty faces, giggles, some farting until Ryan started tickling Cameron who thrashed in bed, yelling "No, No No!"

They stopped, breathing heavily. Cameron was straddling Ryan, Ryans's hands on Cameron's waist. The mood shifted instantly. Cameron held his breath, feeling Ryan's thumbs on his bare skin, his shirt bunched up. Ever so slightly, Ryan allowed himself to stroke back and forth, just a whisper of movement.

Cameron jumped off him and fled to the bathroom. "Gotta pee." His voice strangled and uneven.

Ryan sat up and fixed the pillows and blankets on both beds, taking his time to make them look nice, trying to will his erection away. These moments were happening a lot lately. It was weird.

He wished they happened more.


Cameron and Ryan spent the morning and early afternoon cleaning. Cameron insisted on wiping everything down, vacuuming the whole house, cleaning toilets, the works.

"Dude. It's just a sleepover. Why are you so freaked out?" Ryan stopped in the middle of reorganizing one of the many bookshelves that lined the living room.

Cameron flung himself on the couch.

"I don't know. You do realize," he glanced over at Ryan, who came to sit down on the coffee table Cameron had just cleaned. Ryan smirked and Cameron frowned. "This is my first time having a sleepover."

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