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"Do you boys mind sharing a bed for one night?" Mike asked innocently. "Then, Jess can bunk with Leah in the guest room." He turned to Jess. "Does that work for you?"

Jess pulled him a little away from the others, who crowded around admiring the tree that Mike had worked so hard to decorate. This year's theme was soft golds and whites. Expensive, high end ornaments nestled happily along with the handmade ones Cameron had made over the years, as well as a few Leah had added in the last few days. Nat King Cole's soulful rich voice sang holiday songs thanks to the classic record player in the corner. Christmas Eve dinner dishes were washed and drying in the kitchen.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Ryan might not be comfortable sleeping in the same bed as Cameron. He acts strange when Diego and Cameron are together. It might be too awkward. He could sleep on the couch, maybe?"

"But that would spoil Christmas morning, don't you think?" Mike smiled. "Let's just ask him. I think it will probably be ok."

Coach entered the living room balancing a tray with mugs of cider. "Cameron, would you go grab the other tray?" he asked, setting his down on the coffee table. Cameron nodded and went into the kitchen. Ryan started to follow, but Jess took him by the elbow.

"Ryan, are you ok sharing the bed with Cameron? You don't have to." She spoke seriously. "Maybe I could sleep with Cameron and you could sleep with Leah? Or we could even just go home tonight and come back early tomorrow to open presents? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Ryan's eyes tracked Cameron as he came into the room. Tonight, he was wearing jeans and a maroon button up, sleeves folded up to his elbows. His hair was pulled back in the short ponytail he often wore these days. Ryan's own lips quirked up as Leah danced around his boy. Cameron set the silver tray down next to the mugs. It was filled with an assortment of cookies he and Mike had made today. He handed one to Leah who crowed over it, then passed one to Coach, before taking one for himself. He sat down, pretzel style on the white carpet. Biting into the cookie, his eyes met Ryan's. The tall boy thought his heart could probably be heard by everyone in the room. Joy and happiness oozed into every single crevice and corner of his body.

"Ryan," Jess asked. "What do you think?"

"It's fine," he murmured, moving quickly over to Cameron, sitting down next to him, shoulder to shoulder. Cameron smiled up at him. Ryan opened his mouth, and Cameron gave him a bite of the cookie.

"Ok. Whew. Crisis averted." Jess turned to Mike. "I am glad they're close. Cameron's never had a best friend, I think. At least not that I know of. They seem so different. I wonder what they even talk about? Well...shall we?" Jess grinned. She sat next to Coach on the couch, grabbing a mug of cider, leaning back into the cushions.

Mike shook his head. Can that woman be more oblivious? He considered talking to Cameron. They were getting more and more obvious every day. But then decided it was none of his business.

"Is everyone ready? Cozy?"

It was a tradition in the Winter's home on Christmas eve to enjoy the late evening by listening to the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol. Not the screen version. The stellar audio version. It involved cuddling up under blankets, sipping cider and munching on cookies, listening intently as Sir Patrick's voice echoed through the room, telling the classic tale of one man's redemption. It was one of Cameron's favorite moments of the holidays. Sometimes his mom opted for Christmas at home, and sometimes Mike and Coach spent the holiday's with their respective families, so he could never count on it happening from year to year. But when it did. It was magical. Mike always lit a fire, and he dimmed the lights, eager to make events into moments. The fire crackled and popped, giving off a warm glow and woodsy scent throughout the living room. The Christmas lights in the tree glittered. Cameron sat facing the fire. His bare feet warmed on the hearth stones. Stockings hung above the mantel, each one decorated with their name written in silver glitter, even Ryan and Leah. Ryan sat next to him, his longer legs sticking out from the fuzzy blue and white plaid blanket covering them, their fingers intertwined unseen.

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