What a Coincidence

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What a Coincidence

They had a mellow afternoon, at home, after the park. Ryan's heart almost flopped in his chest when Cameron woke up at the river, giving him an embarrassed shrug, standing and stretching on his tip toes. They had walked back, aimlessly talking about the forest and about the camping trips Ryan's parents had taken him on when he was much younger, before their careers had suddenly taken off. He'd liked camping a lot, but when he was around 10 their careers had skyrocketed and he found himself left with a nanny. Camping trips, Sunday board games, family dinners had disappeared.

"You don't talk about them that much." Cameron said softly as they neared home.

"Nope. They ditched me and made some pretty crap decisions. Didn't dream that their greed would lead them to prison. They just were money, money, money."  Ryan surprised himself by talking about his parents with Cameron.  But there was something about this boy he shared a room with...Ryan was pretty sure he would listen and not judge or pity  him. 

"That sounds pretty bad."

Ryan just nodded, thinking about all the nights the nanny had put him to bed in a rush, needing to get home to her own kids, frustrated that his parents were late again. Sometimes, she even left early and he was left home alone for an hour or more until his parents finally made their way through the door. He cried himself to sleep most nights.

He shrugged, "I have no idea why they decided to have Leah. Maybe she was an accident. When she was born, she used to scream and yell. My mom and dad bought her a ton of stuff, had her nursery designed by a famous decorator even, but we still barely ever saw them."

Ryan glanced over at Cameron, as he unlocked the front door. "Leah's pretty happy now, though. I think this is the happiest I've ever seen her."

Cameron smiled. "I'm glad."

Cameron made them both lunch, some mac and cheese and avocado and bacon sandwiches. Cameron had just rolled his eyes when Ryan said he wasn't hungry. They sat down on couch watching something dumb on Netflix while they shared the noodles from one big bowl and the sandwhiches from one plate. Ryan couldn't help sitting close to Cameron, their legs occasionally touching. After all, the bowl with the two spoons was held precariously on Cameron's lap, and he had to lean over sometimes to snag a bite. It should have been awkward; maybe Cameron should have been more anxious, remembering what had happened that night, and waking up with his head in Ryan's lap today...but for some reason it really wasn't. It just felt normal. No strange undercurrents. Just eating and TV.

Ok...well...maybe Cameron felt a little jumpy whenever Ryan reached over to get a bite. Maybe he did get a whiff from Ryan's hair in those seconds and stop and question internally why he smelled so good. Maybe Ryan did reach for a sandwich at the same time as Cameron and accidentally brushed his fingers. But even with these little moments, neither boy felt uncomfortable. Maybe a little excited. Maybe a little anxious. But not uncomfortable.

"Shit. It's time to pick up Leah."

They'd been watching TV for a while, still sitting close on the couch even though the empty bowl and plate lay unnoticed on the coffee table. Ryan had actually been seriously thinking of some excuse why he might even try to sit a bit closer when Cameron reminded him of their responsibility.

"I'll come with you, if that's cool." Ryan said as Cameron put the dishes in the sink.

"Uh...of course. She's your sister. Let me just get my shoes." He'd slipped them off when he got home, not because they tried to keep their house clean, just because he liked walking around in his socks. Ryan waited for him by the door, leaning against the frame. His eyes were glued to Cameron as he bent down to lace up his shoes, his hair falling over his face. Ryan shook his head and wondered what in the hell was going on with him.


"Ryan!!!!" Leah squealed as she sprinted out of the classroom. "You're here! You're here! And I'm first! I'm never first!!!! I'm always last! Because Cameron," here she looked over at Cameron with a disgusted face. "Is always late!!" He rolled his eyes at her and stuck out his tongue.

"Hey, put that thing away. I never pegged you for being a rude big brother."

The Moores and Cameron turned in surprise to see Diego sauntering over to them, a smirk on his lips and a sparkle in his eyes.

Ryan was suddenly nauseous.

"Diego! What are you doing here?" Cameron said, a smile spreading over his face. He seemed so out of place in this land of toddlers and playground equipment. Really all three boys stuck out amongst all the moms picking up their preschoolers, but Diego caused even a few soccer moms to turn their heads and then quickly away again.

A young boy stepped from the door of Leah's room, the spitting image of Diego down to the Mexican flag hat turned backwards on his head. He walked quietly over and took Diego's hand.

"This is my little primo, Manny. Manny say, hi to my friend Cameron." He ignored Ryan.

Manny just looked up shyly at Cameron and then back down at his feet.

"Manny's very very shy!" piped up Leah. "But he's very nice too! He brought me to the nurse when I fell down today." She held out her leg, with a huge bandaid on it. Manny looked at Leah and nodded.

"I hope you said thank you to him," Ryan reminded her, looking not at Leah or Manny but at Diego who had slipped his arm around Cameron's shoulder.

"You ok now?" he said in a low voice, his deep brown eyes connecting with Cameron's grey ones. The shorter boy smiled and patted Diego's hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Cool." Diego said squeezing Cameron's shoulder. "I actually got your backpack. It's in my car. Come on." He led Cameron towards the parking lot, Leah scampering in front of them pulling Manny by the hand. Ryan followed slowly behind. Cameron glanced back and smiled at him.

"Hey, Diego. This is my friend Ryan. I guess you kinda met earlier." He bit his lip in embarrassment. "Diego is my friend from math. Leah is actually not my little sister, she's his."

The two tall boys looked at each other and nodded, restrained.

Diego drove an older black Honda civic. He opened the front seat and took out Cameron's beat up red backpack.

"Thanks. That was really nice of you to grab it for me." Cameron said, still smiling.

"It's cool. I just figured I'd try to find you before school tomorrow. I know you usually study in front of your first period so..." His voice faded off as he realized his mistake.

Both boys paused. Cameron's eyes widened, surprised. Ryan scowled. Diego looked up at the sky then back down at his cousin who was standing still while Leah danced around him. His cheeks took on a faint blush.

"Yeah so anyway, here's your backpack." he handed it off quickly, buckled Manny into his car seat and waved hurriedly before driving away.

"He was fast. He looks just like Manny. But bigger. I think Manny is my boyfriend now. Is Manny's cousin your boyfriend, Cameron?" Leah asked innocently, watching as the black car pulled out of the parking lot.

Ryan looked swiftly at Cameron, his eyebrows drawn close together.

Cameron just laughed. "He's nice, but way too cool for me. Come on," he took Leah's hand who happily slipped her fingers through Ryan's as well. "Let's go home.  

Author's Note

So what do you think?  Ryan or Diego?  

How are you?  I'm on my  fourth day home from school, and I never thought every day would feel like an eternity.  I want to complain, but then I think of all the amazing nurses and doctors who are working themselves to the bone to help those who are sick.  I'm scared for our future.  I'm writing to try and distract myself.  I hope you are safe and healthy.  

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