The Pool

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The alarm sounded at 8:30.

Cameron groaned and rubbed his face. Wait, he thought, it's Saturday. He looked over at Ryan, who must have set the alarm. Today he was supposed to go to the pool at school. But by the looks of it, the alarm wasn't working.  Cameron couldn't understand why.  It was loud enough to wake the dead. 

Sighing, Cameron sat up and turned off the alarm. He shuffled over and sat on Ryan's bed.

"Hey man. Come on, wake up," he said in a monotone, still half asleep. But he knew this wasn't going to work. After a week of school, he knew the only way to wake up Ryan was to use a little force.

He pushed on his shoulder. Nothing.

Cameron smirked. Today he'd try a new tactic, revenge for making him wake up early on the weekend.

Yesterday when they'd been playing around, Leah had told Cameron that her brother was crazy ticklish.

So, Cameron pulled back the blanket, exposing Ryan's back. Thankfully he wore sweats and a shirt to bed.  

He lightly ran his fingers over Ryan's waist, wondering how long it would take to get him up.

In an instant, his hand was grabbed and he was pulled over Ryan so that he was half laying on him.

"Whoa!!! Sorry, sorry!!! I was just waking you up. I'm sorry! I guess it wasn't funny." he wiggled, trying to get off. 

"Cameron?" said Ryan his voice confused and still asleep.

"Sorry!" His face was only a few inches from Ryan's.

Ryan opened his hazel eyes looking directly at Cameron.

"Sorry." he whispered again, pushing off his roommate and running out of the room.

What in the world was that? He rushed downstairs mortified. Ryan wasn't a four year old girl. He shouldn't have tickled him. What was he thinking? He just wasn't used to being around real people so much. He'd watched the news, he should know not to touch someone without permission. What a jerk. They'd slowly gotten a little friendlier over the week, talking on the way to school. Now he probably thought he was a total dork and a handsy dork at that.

Leah was already downstairs, watching cartoons. Thankfully Jess had said she would watch Leah in the mornings if Cameron would take over after lunch so she could take a nap or go to school and do some work. Right now she was nose deep in her laptop sitting cross legged on the couch.

"Morning honey!" Jess called out as Cameron staggered to the fridge, looking blearily inside before deciding on just nuking some oatmeal.

"I'm surprised you're up so early. Didn't you remember that I said I'd watch Leah in the mornings? I thought you'd sleep in until 10 at the earliest."

Cameron was about to answer when another voice cut him off.

"I guess I owe him an apology Jess. I set the alarm but slept through it. Cam had to turn it off and wake me up."

Ryan said coming down the stairs.

"Any why are you up so early?"

"Cam and I are going to the pool today. Mr. Winter's is letting me practice before swim tryouts."

Cameron turned quickly to Ryan, confused.

"That sounds fun, boys. Make sure you're back by 12 though ok?" Jess mused, looking back at her laptop.

Leah eyes locked on the boys, cartoons forgotten. "Swimming?! You're going swimming! I want to go too! Let me come Ryan!" She ran over and pulled on Ryan's arm.

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